Populations Review IBESS Feb. 2015
General Populations
Growth Curves Draw a logistic curve and an exponential curve (label the axes)
Limiting Factors Density independent vs. density dependent factors
Strategists List 4 characteristics from r-strategists. – Give 3 examples of r-strategist organisms List 4 characteristics from K-strategists – Give 3 examples of K-strategist organisms
Survivorship Curves Draw a survivorship curve for r-strategist Draw a survivorship curve for K-strategist
Lincoln Index Write the formula for the Lincoln Index P = N 1 x N 2 R Where P = total population size N 1 = the size of the first sample N 2 = the size of the second sample R = The number of marked individuals recaptured in the second sample
Human Population
Doubling Time Write the formula for doubling time 70 / annual rate of increase (%)
Natural increase rate Write the formula for natural increase rate NIR = (CBR-CDR)/10
Crude Birth Rate Write the formula for crude birth rate What is the crude birth rate of Brazil whose population is million and whose birth is 2.95 million? 15 CBR = (n/p) x 1000
Crude Death Rate Write the crude death rate formula CDR = (n/p) x 1000 What is the crude death rate of Brazil whose population is million and whose death is 1.18 million? 6 Why are these 2 formulas important?
Calculation Example Write the formula for natural increase rate NIR = (CBR-CDR)/10 Brazil’s crude birth rate is 15. Its crude death rate is 6. What is its NIR?.9% What is its double time? 77 years
Ecological Footprint
– Per capita land requirement = per capita consumption (kg y -1 ) for food production (ha) mean food production per hectare of local arable land (kg ha -1 yr -1 ) -Per capita land requirement = per capita CO 2 emission (kg C yr -1 ) for absorbing waste CO 2 net carbon fixation per hectare of from fossil fuels (ha) local natural vegetation (kg C ha -1 yr -1 )
Human Social Factors to Population Factors
Indicators of Pop. Growth Write the factors that contribute to population growth – Age Distribution – Sex Distribution – Fertility rate – Economics – Politics – Social factors (culture)
Population Pyramids Draw a LEDC and a MEDC population pyramid