Lists Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn to: Create lists using XHTML code. Improve readability of a Web page using lists.
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Guiding Questions for Lesson 7 Find a Web page that uses a list. How does a list impact the readability of the page? Give 2 examples of how a list could be used in a Web page or Web site on another topic?
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Types of Lists Three types of lists which will be covered in this lesson: Unordered lists Ordered lists Definition lists
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Unordered Lists Similar to bulleted lists in word processing Items in the list have no special order Changing the order would not change the meaning of the information Example: A listing of your school subjects: Science Math Reading
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Creating an Unordered List … tags are used to designate the beginning and ending of an unordered list … tags are used to identify items to be placed in the list To create our list of school subjects, use the following XHTML code: Science Math Reading
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Ordered Lists Use a numbering or ordering system to create meaning Changing the order changes the meaning For example: A list of the steps to make a peanut butter sandwich. Changing the order of the steps changes the outcome of the sandwich
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Creating an Ordered List … tags are used to designate the beginning and ending of an ordered list The same tag identifies items in the list Code for making a peanut butter sandwich: Get a slice of bread. Open a jar of peanut butter. Spread peanut butter on the slice of bread with a knife. Place another slice of bread on top. Eat the sandwich.
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Definition Lists Used to define terms Different from unordered and ordered lists Has two parts – the term and the definition Labeling of the parts is very important
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Creating a Definition List A … tag identifies the beginning and ending of the list A … tag identifies the terms A … tag identifies the definitions Example of definition list coding: format the design and layout of a page source code the HTML code that creates a Web page Web page a file written in HTML, or other Web publishing language
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Lesson Review Describe the code needed to create each of the following: Unordered list Ordered list Definition list
Module 2: XHTML Basics LESSON 8 Practice: Lists Create the following changes in your “Tags and Attributes” Web page: An unordered list An ordered list A definition list Challenge Activity: Add underlining as appropriate.