Human Body Review
For each of the following functions, choose the flashcard of the human body system that matches
exchange gases with the environment
protect body from infection
absorb nutrients from food
move bones
respond to stimuli in the environment
make blood cells
transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients around the body
remove nitrogen waste
regulate the amount of glucose in the blood
store minerals such as calcium and phosphorus and provide shape and support
break down/remove damaged and dead cells
interpret information from the environment
continue the species so it doesn’t go extinct
Adrenaline causes “fight or flight” reaction when faced with danger
protect nervous system and internal organs
protects the body from infection, prevents water loss, and helps regulate body temperature
makes chemical messengers called hormones
Control and regulate body functions
Remove waste
Fights off infection with 3 lines of defense
Hormones; glands
Kidneys; bladder
Alveoli & bronchus
Gas exchange within the body
Vaccination; immunity; white blood cells
Cerebrum; cerebellum; medulla
Plasma; platelets
Bone marrow
Dermis; epidermis
Contract; relax
WITH PARTNERS Take turns asking your partner the following questions
What does insulin do?
What part of the brain controls thinking and speech? What part controls balance and muscle coordination?
What organs are in the central nervous system?
Where in the digestive system does absorption take place?
Which 2 gasses are involved in the process of gas exchange?
Which muscles are voluntary? Involuntary?