Empowering our people with science and its languages A Latin American perspective Julia Tagüeña Centro de Investigación en Energía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México A Latin American perspective Julia Tagüeña Centro de Investigación en Energía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Latin America: Challenges and opportunities Heterogeneous societies Social inclusion and equity Democratization of knowledge Scientific literacy Science centers Science communication programs Heterogeneous societies Social inclusion and equity Democratization of knowledge Scientific literacy Science centers Science communication programs
Our era: ¿era of knowledge? ¿energy-climate? The third wave, Alvin Toffler (1979) Hot, flat and crowded, Thomas Friedman (2008) Earth3.0, Scientific American (2008) The third wave, Alvin Toffler (1979) Hot, flat and crowded, Thomas Friedman (2008) Earth3.0, Scientific American (2008)
Social Capital The social capital is a resource coming from the solidarity feelings of a person or a group for other person or group. These feelings can be of admiration, concern, interest, empathy, consideration, respect, responsibility or love; as any other resource it could be administrated in a right or a wrong way. Adequately employed could be used to reduce poverty Juan Carlos Gallego, Colombia The social capital is a resource coming from the solidarity feelings of a person or a group for other person or group. These feelings can be of admiration, concern, interest, empathy, consideration, respect, responsibility or love; as any other resource it could be administrated in a right or a wrong way. Adequately employed could be used to reduce poverty Juan Carlos Gallego, Colombia
Collaboration network The structure of a network is based on reciprocity and trust…the network must have a unifying goal …..independent and voluntary members integrated by solidarity…they create social capital, well being and make the economy progress by innovation and capacity to change.. Juan Carlos Gallego The structure of a network is based on reciprocity and trust…the network must have a unifying goal …..independent and voluntary members integrated by solidarity…they create social capital, well being and make the economy progress by innovation and capacity to change.. Juan Carlos Gallego
Educaci ó n No Formal Periodismo cient í fico Museos y Centros de Ciencia TRABAJO CONJUNTOMateriales ASTC ECSITE ASPAC SAATEC NCSMNCSM CANSM
37 members 21 Museums M (59%) 10 Non Formal Education (26%) 5 Science communication (12%) 1 Formal educaction (3%) Node South 15 (10 M, 4 NFE, 1 DIV) Node Andes 6 (4 M, 2 NFE) Node North y Caribbean 16 (9 M, 3 NFE, 3 DIV, 1 EF) Fields: Museums, Non Formal Education, Materials for Science Communication and Scientific Journalism
3 Argentina 5 Brasil 3 Chile 4 Colombia 1 Costa Rica 1 Guatemala 13 México 1 Nicaragua 2 Perú 2 Uruguay 2 Venezuela 3 Argentina 5 Brasil 3 Chile 4 Colombia 1 Costa Rica 1 Guatemala 13 México 1 Nicaragua 2 Perú 2 Uruguay 2 Venezuela 11 países 2 idiomas
Shared goals Shared Culture Shared learning Shared effort Shared information Shared goals Shared Culture Shared learning Shared effort Shared information Sustainable Success
Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo PROGRAMA CYTED Red Temática: REMIPCyT - Red de Medición del impacto de la popularización de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en Iberoamérica Coordinador: Dra. Graciela Merino Copán (Honduras), Junio 2008
WEB 2.0
The power of Networks! = 5
CoreKnowledge PartialKnowledge Individual Impact of collaboration …the network effect, Hubert Saint-Onge
Horizontal axis... collaboration places more emphasis on the horizontal axis of the organization Vertical axis In our region: the prevalence of the vertical axis
Ideas come when you are not looking for them! To take emotional risks Creativity: to look where everyone else is looking and see what no one else can see (a concept) Invention: the practical embodiment of a novel idea Innovation: the succesful exploitation of new ideas (a process) Ideas come when you are not looking for them! To take emotional risks Creativity: to look where everyone else is looking and see what no one else can see (a concept) Invention: the practical embodiment of a novel idea Innovation: the succesful exploitation of new ideas (a process)
Alejandra León Castellá, Executive Director