iTeach Reviewing Best Practices in One-to-One Management iTeach Session 7
Focusing Questions What are the benefits and challenges of a one-to-one learning environment? What are the best practices in schools with successful one-to-one laptop programs?
Framing The Session Participants will view online videos on one-to-one laptop classrooms. This session will help participants develop a vision of the benefits and challenges of a one-to-one learning environment. Participants will focus on concrete examples of effective management of one-to-one environments.
Teaching Explore the Web sites listed on the agenda under “Resources.” Keep track of best practices and ideas that will help you with managing a one-to-one classroom. Be ready to share your findings with the group.
Teaching Edutopia: Laptops for All Classroom Management: Irving High School The Great Maine Laptop Experiment A Product for Learning Apple One-to-One Learning Initiatives
Work Time
Explore the Web sites listed on the agenda under “Resources.” Be ready to share your findings with the group.
Share What are the benefits of one-to-one learning environments? Benefits:
For more information Office of Instructional Technology