Turn in Do Nows Turn in Do Nows classzone.com classzone.com Book Check-Out Book Check-Out Textbook Scavenger Hunt Textbook Scavenger Hunt Please record today’s schedule & homework in your planner. Please record today’s schedule & homework in your planner. What was your favorite part of the Oreo cookie lab? Explain why. What was your favorite part of the Oreo cookie lab? Explain why. Oreo Cookie Lab due Tomorrow Oreo Cookie Lab due Tomorrow
I can find and use the various resources of my textbook.
Turn in Oreo Lab & Scavenger Hunt Turn in Oreo Lab & Scavenger Hunt Geosphere Pre-Test Geosphere Pre-Test Read Section 1.1 & 1.1 RSG Read Section 1.1 & 1.1 RSG Please record today’s schedule & homework in your planner. Please record today’s schedule & homework in your planner. List 3 resources that are available in your textbook. List 3 resources that are available in your textbook. Finish 1.1 RSG Finish 1.1 RSG
I can identify the Earth system and its 4 major parts.
Discuss & Turn in 1.1 RSG Discuss & Turn in 1.1 RSG 1.1 Notes & Earth System Foldable 1.1 Notes & Earth System Foldable Please record today’s schedule & homework in your planner. Please record today’s schedule & homework in your planner. Name the four parts of the Earth system. Give an example of something found in each part. Name the four parts of the Earth system. Give an example of something found in each part. Study for Quiz Study for Quiz
I can identify the Earth system and its 4 major parts.
Finish Foldable Finish Foldable Turn in 1.1 RSG Turn in 1.1 RSG Quiz 1.1 Quiz 1.1 Please record today’s schedule & homework in your planner. Please record today’s schedule & homework in your planner. Give two examples of how the Earth system’s four parts can interact with each other. Give two examples of how the Earth system’s four parts can interact with each other. None None
I can identify the Earth system and its 4 major parts.
Read 9.1 & Complete 9.1 RSG Read 9.1 & Complete 9.1 RSG Please record today’s schedule & homework in your planner. Please record today’s schedule & homework in your planner. In your own words, describe what a fossil is and give an example of one. In your own words, describe what a fossil is and give an example of one. Study for Quiz Study for Quiz
I can explain how Earth’s past is revealed in rocks and fossils.