Welcome to Room Home of the VIPs Introduction Wellness Policy – Nut Free Zone Healthy snack and a water bottle ► If your child will not be in school, please call the 24 hour Child Check line to inform the school of his/her absence. ► The Child Check number is Press #1. ► When returning to school, please send in a note stating the reason for absence. Contact information: Our class webpage provides useful and helpful information. 1. Go to the Cheltenham School District website 2. Click: Wyncote Elementary School 3. Click: Teacher Sites 4. Click: Mrs. Brenda Ruttenberg
Mrs. Ruttenberg’s Teacher Site bruttenberg/index.cfm
Student Planner - Check daily Help students get into the habit of checking off work as it is completed. Parent signature in the Student Planner assures that parents know what assignments are due and they have supervised the completion of the work. Assignments and assessment dates are also available on the class website. Homework Folder - Check daily Labeled: Stay at home/Return to school Organizational Tools
Homework Tips When returning home, students should open his/her Student Planner and place it in a convenient spot for parents to review. Parents should not have to “dig” through their child’s backpack. Establish a homework routine Find a quiet place Provide pencils/supplies Review your child’s completed homework, then sign the Student Planner. The student is responsible for putting all items back in the backpack.
Robust Vocabulary Word Analysis/Phonics Comprehension Literal comprehension Making inferences Written response and reflections Fluency Read at a smooth pace and with expression Reading
Third Grade Reading Log Children are required to read 20 minutes each night. Read books at the assigned independent level A Reading Log is located in your child’s homework folder A variety of genres is encouraged: ~Poetry~ Biography ~Realistic Fiction~ Non-Fiction
Writing In third grade students will effectively communicate ideas in writing for a target audience using style, conventions and mechanics.
Mathematics The new Common Core math program □ The new enVisionmath2.0 for grades K-6 is fully powered for Common Core to support print, blended, and 1:1 digital learning experiences. □ Engaging, problem-based learning enVisionmath2.0 ©2016
That’s a Fact! Practice, Practice, Practice… Reinforcing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and/or division facts each day will increase confidence so your child may experience success in the classroom. Harcourt—Learning Site—“That’s a Fact” orange box at the top of the page is a great resource. Many apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and smart phones are great for practicing facts on the go!
FOSS Science Students work in cooperative groups and participate in hands-on activities. Students use the inquiry method to investigate new science concepts.
Social Studies Topics Include: Maps & Globes Communities Geographical features, cultures, citizens, government, and economics State and National History Important people, places, and events
Olweus Bully Prevention "A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions by one or more persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself.” Class meetings will be conducted to share feelings and experiences, develop a sense of community within our classroom, and aid students in solving problems.
We are the VIPs We are valuable, capable, responsible, tolerant and accepting. We give BEST EFFORT and take pride in our success. We will do amazing things this year.