3GPP2 Input MMS Workshop November 7, 2003 Nadia Bishai Chair, 3GPP2 TSG-X PSN MMS Ad Hoc
Introduction The MMS Chairs meetings provided an opportunity to informally discuss issues and implications related to the development of MMS across multiple specification bodies and industry fora. Participation from a broad array of organizations involved in MMS proved to be a valuable experience; and helped to clarify the various scenarios available to the industry. This workshop is an outgrowth of those discussions, and its objective is to further explore these issues among a broader group. Although this workshop will not formulate specific recommendations, we hope that this workshop will begin the process of consensus building towards an industry-wide plan for MMS standardization. Based on the 3GPP TSG-SA proposed ToR, the 3GPP2 MMS Ad Hoc offers the following proposals in response to the sub-items identified in The objective of the workshop is to develop a proposed plan for future MMS standardisation activity
3GPP2 Proposed Plan for Future MMS Standardization a) to identify the basic principle of how the work should be split between the groups Access technology independent aspects should be handled by OMA – these include requirements/stage 1, service architecture/stage 2, protocol aspects/stage 3 (MM1, MM3, MM4, MM7), and IOP. Access technology dependent aspects should be handled by the respective PPs. These include codecs and media type definitions, accounting/charging, etc.
3GPP2 Proposed Plan for Future MMS Standardization b) to identify the groups responsible for maintenance of existing specification material All versions of existing access technology independent specifications would be maintained by OMA, and any updates to those would be developed and published according to OMA processes. All versions of existing access technology dependent specifications would be maintained by the respective PPs, and any updates to those would be developed and published according to the PPs processes.
3GPP2 Proposed Plan for Future MMS Standardization c) to identify the target ownership for the current and future specification material Current and future access technology independent specifications would be “owned” by OMA. Current and future access technology dependent specifications would be “owned” by the respective PPs. The existing specifications published by the PPs would still exist. It is not envisioned that OMA would publish these legacy specifications.
3GPP2 Proposed Plan for Future MMS Standardization d) to identify the organization which collects new requirements relating to MMS OMA collects new requirements relating to access technology independent aspects of the MMS specifications, according to OMA processes. The PPs are afforded the opportunity to provide input to OMA during the requirements development process. OMA would provide drafts of new requirements to the partnerships for review and comment.
3GPP2 Proposed Plan for Future MMS Standardization e) to identify how requirements are passed between organizations The PPs are afforded the opportunity to provide input to OMA during the requirements development process. Coordination among the organizations is necessary to align future development activities involving access technology independent and dependent aspects.
3GPP2 Proposed Plan for Future MMS Standardization f) timing & content for transfer In order to insure that a transfer of the MMS specifications is “clean”, both partnerships need to agree to a common content base and timing for transfer. The preferred context would be following the next 3GPP2 revision (which includes 3GPP Release 6 MMS compatibility) and the completion of the 3GPP Release 6 MMS specifications.
Recommendation That the delegates to this workshop consider the proposed actions from the 3GPP2 TSG-X PSN MMS Ad Hoc. That participating companies within 3GPP2, 3GPP, and OMA contribute to their respective organizations in support of this plan for future MMS standardization. That 3GPP2, 3GPP, and OMA implement this plan for future MMS standardization.