MORPHOLOGY RE-CAP 1.Builders 2.Cardigan 3.Cars 4.Asparagus 5.Metalanguage 6.Uncooked 7.Melbourne 1.Builders = 3 2.Cardigan = 1 3.Cars = 2 4.Asparagus = 1 5.Metalanguage= 2 6.Uncooked = 3 7.Melbourne = 1 A. How many morphemes are in the following words? B. Identify the affixes (prefixes and suffixes) of the above words
HOW ABOUT THIS ONE??? Antidisestablishmentarianism Yes, it’s really a word (Noun) the doctrine or political position that opposes the withdrawal of state recognition of an established church; - used especially concerning the Anglican Church in England. Opposed to disestablishmentarianism. How many morphemes? What is the root word? How many prefixes? Suffixes? Anti dis establish ment arian ism = 6 morphemes (2 prefixes, one root word establish and 3 suffixes)
UNDERLINE THE AFFIXES IN THESE WORDS 1.Compassion 2.Dawdled 3.Prescription 4.Disorganised 5.Decompose 6.Stylish 7.Bicycle 8.Cars 1.Compassion 2.Dawdled 3.Prescription 4.Disorganised 5.Decompose 6.Stylish 7.Bicycle 8.Cars Read the Inflectional/derivational morphemes handout and identify whether these affixes are inflectional or derivational
ACTIVITIES 1.Rewrite the passage, filling in the missing morphemes (handout) 2.Work with a partner to create as many unique words as you can by combining these morphemes. You may select TWO additional root words to work with.
LEXICOLOGY Read ‘lexicology’ paragraph p27 Macmillan text Words, or lexemes, are grouped into classes or categories that you’ve probably heard of before – such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and so on. These categories are known as parts of speech or word classes.