Mission Title By First Name + Last Name Date Homeroom teacher’s name Slide 1 is a “Title Slide” slide
Founding History Add an image here Add TEXT here Slide 2 is a “Two Content” Slide
Location Add TEXT hereAdd a MAP here Slide 3 is a “Two Content” Slide
Design/Layout Add an image of the layout of your mission here Add TEXT here Slide 4 “Content with Caption” Slide
Slide 5 “Comparison” Slide Native American Life Add TEXT here Missionary Life Add TEXT here Mission Life
Mission Life Today Add an image here Add TEXT here Slide 6 “Content with Caption” Slide
Take a Stand Add TEXT here Slide 7 “Title and Content” Slide
Bibliography Add TEXT here Slide 8 “Title and Content” Slide
Insert Title Insert an IMAGE here OPTIONAL Slide 9 “Title Only” Slide