Notes les 7-8 février Les verbes réfléchis: sens idiomatique In general, reflexive verbs “reflect” their action back on their subjects. Some reflexive.


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Presentation transcript:

Notes les 7-8 février Les verbes réfléchis: sens idiomatique In general, reflexive verbs “reflect” their action back on their subjects. Some reflexive verbs are reflexive in form, but not reflexive in meaning. Je m’amuse toujours chez toi. I always have a good time at your house. Ma mère s’occupe de la nourriture pour la fête. My mother is taking care of the food for the party.

The following verbs are reflexive in form, but not in meaning: s’amuser – to have a good times’intéresser (à) – to be interested (in) s’appeler – to be namedse mettre en colère – to get mad se dépêcher – to hurry (up)se souvenir (de) – to remember s’énerver – to get upsetse tromper – to be mistaken s’ennuyer – to get boredse trouver – to be located

Se souvenir (to remember) is conjugated like venir. Il se souvient de moi. He remembers me. Souvenez-vous de l’examen demain. Remember the test tomorrow.

S’ennuyer (to get bored) is conjugated like essuyer. Je m’ennuie en cours de maths. I get bored in math class.

Se promener (to take a walk) and s’inquiéter (to worry) are conjugated like se lever and se sécher, respectively. Les enfants se promènent dans le quartier. The children are taking a walk in the neighborhood. Il s’inquiète pour sa fille. He’s worried about his daughter.

S’appeler (to be named, to call oneself) has spelling changes in the present tense. je m’appellenous nous appelons tu t’appellesvous vous appelez il/elle/on s’appelleils/elles s’appellent Comment t’appelles-tu ? What’s your name? Literally, How do you call yourself? -Je m’appelle Jean-Paul. -My name is Jean-Paul. Literally, I call myself Jean-Paul.

S’asseoir (to sit down) is irregular. je m’assiedsnous nous asseyons tu t’assiedsvous vous asseyez il/elle/on s’assiedils/elles s’asseyent Où est-ce que je m’assieds? Where do I sit? Assieds-toi ici à côté de moi. Sit down here next to me.