Sub-Topic 2.1 Balancing competing water needs across sectors Subconvener:
Main goal of this topic How to balance competing water needs across sectors?
But to reach this goals multiple divides need to be bridged
Building bridges between.. The human activities in a river basin and the environmental needs of this river basin
Building bridges between.... Water management and poverty reduction
Building bridges over... the administrative borders in river basins
Building bridges between.. The water management in coastal and inland zones
Five statements on: 1.The importance of healthy rivers for poverty reduction - IUCN 2.How to share water across boundaries to sustain downstream ecosystems? - Bangladesh Water Partnership 3.How to manage freshwater and coastal areas to meet human and environmental needs - NOAA and GFOCI 4.What are suitable mechanisms for the re-allocation of water to the environment in river basins - WWF, The Nature Conservancy and IUCN 5.The impact of pollution on water resources and ecosystem goods and services - Hemboltz Zentrum Munchen and Istanbul technical university
Wishing you good luck in building these bridges!