Women in the Labor Force US Bureau of Labor Statistics Report 1052 December
Facts: More women are jobless Jobless rates higher due to race and ethnicity divorce women with young children
Fact: More women are working percent of women were in the labor force.
Fact: Women have more education percent of women had college degrees percent of women have college degrees
Facts: Women work at several jobs 2013 high school graduates, more young women are enrolling in college percent of women who graduated from high school we able to join the labor force. Only 45.4 percent of women who dropped out of high school were able to join the labor force. Women hold more than one job.
Facts: Women with higher education In percent of women were software developers. 33 percent of women were lawyers. 62 percent of women were accountants and auditors. 81 percent of women were elementary and middle school teachers.
Facts: Where do women work? Women are more likely to be employed in financial, education, health services, and leisure and hospitality. Women are underrepresented in agriculture, mining, construction, manufacturing, and transportation and utilities.
Facts: Employers are slow to hire women More women work part time. Women had a harder time finding a new job.
Fact: Women earn less money In 2013, women earned 82% of what men earn Hispanic and black women are more likely to work in lower paying service occupations.