+ Classroom Procedures Mrs. Alvarez’ Math Class Northeast “Mighty” Eagles
+ Our plan is to….. Be Responsible Come to class prepared Ignore peer distractions Pay attention to instruction & take notes Accept consequences Be Respectful Following directions Listen attentively Positive attitude Controlling temper Give Best Effort Be in seat ready to learn Complete assignments with your very best effort Participate Ask Questions
+ Procedures for: ENTRANCE Make sure you have all necessary materials for the class. No going back out of classroom without teacher’s permission. Enter the classroom quietly. If you need to sharpen your pencil, do it quietly before the bell rings. Write the Clear Target in your Planner and then begin working on your Bell Work. Class begins as soon as you walk in the classroom (Silence is expected)
+ Procedures for: WHEN THE BELL RINGS If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are tardy. Go to your seat quietly and begin classwork: 1 st tardy – Verbal Warning 2 nd tardy – Parent Contact 3 rd tardy – Office Referral If you are tardy and have a tardy slip, Leave your late slip in the “Tardy” box
+ Procedures for: WHEN THE BELL RINGS If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are tardy. Go to your seat quietly and begin classwork: 1 st tardy – Verbal Warning 2 nd tardy – Parent Contact 3 rd tardy – Office Referral If you are tardy and have a tardy slip, Leave your late slip in the “Tardy” box
+ Procedures: DURING INSTRUCTION Listen to the teacher with full attention Ask permission to speak by raising your hand Use the restroom between classes To sharpen your pencil Use the pencil sharpener found in the desk pocket Do not get out of your seat without permission Trash (pencil shavings, etc.) is thrown out at the end of the week
+ Procedures for the: DESK POCKET Each Desk Pocket has: 2 Dry Erase Boards 2 Cloths to utilize as dry erasers 1 Pencil Containers that has: 2 Dry Erase Markers 2 Highlighters 2 Red Pens Pencil Sharpener Only used when the teacher prompts Person with the pocket on their desk will be responsible for checking that all items are in place at the start of class and at the end of class Do not take materials that do not belong to you. Do not leave your calculator, papers, other materials, or trash in the pouches.
+ IF YOU HEAR THE “BELL”: Stop what you are doing at that moment. Face the teacher and wait silently. No talking or whispering – all of your attention should be given to the teacher.
+ Procedures for: DISMISSAL Wait for me to dismiss you. The bell ringing does not dismiss you. Clean your work area. Person with Desk Pocket conducts materials check. Upon dismissal by the teacher: Return borrowed pencil (Erase name on the board). Take all your materials with you.
+ Procedures for: HALLWAY Walk single file on the appropriate side (Right always) Walk silently Keep your hands to yourself
+ Procedures for: WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT Use Mrs. Alvarez’ wikispace to find out your classwork, assignment, or composition notes before you even return to school (alvarezmath7.wikispaces.com)alvarezmath7.wikispaces.com If a quiz or test is missed, expect to take it upon return Missed Class Notes (Composition Book) Use the Teacher’s Composition Book Use Mrs. Alvarez’ wikispace (Scanned Notes)
+ CONSEQUENCES 1. Verbal Warning 2. Lunch Detention 3. Parent/Guardian Contact 4. Referral to Administration
Bell-Ringer School Day: 43 October 19 th, Solve for b: 2.Solve for v:
LET’S WATCH THIS VIDEO: Distributive Property
WHITEBOARD PRACTICE Distribute: 1.3(6x – 8) 1.
WHITEBOARD PRACTICE Distribute: 3.½(6x – 8) Factor: 4.18x – 24
TIC-TAC-TOE Partners on the “LEFT” will choose a problem. Both students will solve the problem. (show all work on a sheet of paper) If the “choosing partner” gets the answer correct, then the student earns the X or O and the other student chooses the next problem (both solve…). All problems must be completed by both students.
EXIT SLIP 1.Write down two things you learned today? 2.What do you need to do to prepare for the upcoming test?