A Poverty Reduction Strategy for Liberia: An Overview
Core Features of the PRS Prioritized plan for poverty reduction over the next 3 years (through 2011); central guiding document for government spending and partners’ support, linked to UNDAF and MDGs Based on Poverty Diagnostics, analytical work, and inputs from public consultations Responds to the needs of all Liberians, including as expressed in the county and district consultations Cannot accomplish everything in 3 years’ time, but should make a measurable positive impact on the lives of Liberians 3
PRS Coordination and Management Structure 4
UN Country Team (UNCT) Chair: DSRSG/RC Strategic Policy Group (SPG) Chair: SRSG Security Management Team (SMT) Chair: SRSG UN Mission in Liberia SRSG DSRSG (RoL) DSRSG (R&G) Inter-Agency Programming Team (IAPT) Chair: Susan Ngongi (UNICEF) Operations Management Team (OMT) Chair: Baboucarr Sarr (UNDP) UN Communications Group (UNCG) Chair: George Somerwill (UNMIL PIO) M&E Group Chair: Maria- Threase Keating (UNDP) Gender Equality Chair: Cardinal Uwishaka (UNIFEM), Co- chair: UNMIL OGA Children & Youth Chair: Peter Hall (ILO) Co-chair: Ibrahim Sesay (UNICEF) Peacebuilding & Conflict Sensitivity Chair: Renata Dubini (UNHCR) Food Security & Nutrition Chair: Winfred Hammond (FAO) Co- chair: Louis Imbleau (WFP) Environment & Climate Change Chair: Moses Massah (UNDP) interim Cross- cutting and Joint Progra mmes UNDAFUNDAF Ma na ge me nt a n d UNDAF Outcome 1 Peace & Security Chair: Henrik Stiernblad (UNMIL Police, UNPOL) UNDAF Outcome 2 Economic Revitalization Chair: Dominic Sam (UNDP) UNDAF Outcome 4 Infrastructure and Social Services Chairs: Rozanne Chorlton (UNICEF) UNDAF Outcome 3 Governance and RoL, Chair: Henrietta Mensah- Bonsu (UNMIL DSRSG) F u n ct io n al UNDAF Outcome 5 HIV and AIDS Chair: Dominic Sam (UNDP) interim United Nations in Liberia Integrated Management and Coordination Structure UN County Support Teams: Strengthening Capacity of Sub- national Administration Co- Chairs: DSRSG/ RC and MIA Minister
Central Messages of the PRS What are the central messages of the PRS and the main challenges over the next 3 years? – UNMIL drawdown & consolidating peace & security – Transition from Recovery to Reconstruction and Development: Focusing on the private sector as an engine of growth – Generating shared growth and not repeating the patterns of the past – Deepening Reforms: building transparent, accountable, and responsive governance systems – County priorities: Roads. Health. Education.
Where We Are First Draft of PRS: Completed February 8 Public comment & feedback: February – District, County & Regional Consultations – Civil society, private sector, legislature 2 nd draft incorporated feedback from previous county and national consultations Final Draft went to LRDC, Cabinet in mid-March Final PRS end-March UNDAF aligned to the PRS in April Implementation began as of April Year 1 Progress review annual report currently in process. CWIQ will be conducted in September impact of Year 1 Implementation 7
PRS Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
Institutional Framework for PRS Monitoring and Evaluation The Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs will take the lead in monitoring and evaluating the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS), County Development Agendas (CDAs) and NGOs. The Ministry working in collaboration with LISGIS will produce periodic reports on progress towards each of the indicators for review by Pillars, the Cabinet, and LRDC. MPEA will coordinate national surveys and studies with LISGIS and other relevant stakeholders. The Ministry will also generate County-by-county reports based on county aggregated data emerging from line ministries and LISGIS.
NATIONAL PROGRESS & DEVELOPMENT Surveys & Field Assessments (MPEA & LISGIS) Analysis of Data & Reports (MPEA) Policy Development & National Planning MPEA, Sector Ministries and Regional Revised or New Program Development Figure 1 Flow of M&E Data
GOL M&E Framework for PRS and CDA Implementation CIVILSOCIETYCIVILSOCIETY Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs Four Working Committees (WC): Security, Economic Revitalization, Governance & ROL, and Infrastructure and Basic Services County Development Steering Committee (CDSC) Proposed County Stats Office ¹ County Statistics Officer (LISGIS) Data Management Clerk Mapper LISGIS HQ Line Ministry County Staff DATA/STATITICS on PRS and other development framework indicators using census, survey and administrative records Updates on PRS and CDA DELIVERABLES using the County Based Reporting Tool and maintain database of all development projects in the County Cabinet, Public, Civil Society, etc (shared widely) County Development Office/ CDSC Secretariat Assistant Superintendent for Development County Development Advisor (Proposed SES) Project Planner Field Monitors National Line Ministries 11 LRDC Secretariat – (National Pillars - LRDC Steering Committee)
County-level Institutional Structures for Monitoring Impact & Deliverables County Development Steering Committee will coordinate, monitor and report on all deliverables under the PRS and CDA and consolidate quarterly County Progress Reports, and transmit to MPEA/LRDC 4 Working Committees: Security, Economic Revitalization, Governance and Rule of Law, and Infrastructure and Basic Services Sector Coordination Meetings (led by Line Ministries) County Development Office (Monitoring, Information Management, Reporting, Fund Management)
The County Statistics and Information Office concept embeds equipment (computers, printer, etc.) and human resources managed by LISGIS into the County Development Office in order to assist with the compilation and organization available information required to report status of deliverables under the PRS and CDA. County Development Office Field Monitoring Team : will serve as an independent monitoring mechanism to validate progress and status of ALL development projects in the County – across all sectorsand those under CDF funding CDSC Secretariat will provide coordination, monitoring and evaluation support, as the operational arm of the Steering Committee (SC). The Secretariat will ensure links between the SC and its technical level organs, the Working Committees (WCs) as well as with other government institutions and development partners on CDSC matters will be coordinated by the Secretariat. The key focus of the Secretariat is to ensure accurate and timely reporting on development progress based on deliverables under the PRS and CDA CDSC Secretariat will provide coordination, monitoring and evaluation support, as the operational arm of the Steering Committee (SC). The Secretariat will ensure links between the SC and its technical level organs, the Working Committees (WCs) as well as with other government institutions and development partners on CDSC matters will be coordinated by the Secretariat. The key focus of the Secretariat is to ensure accurate and timely reporting on development progress based on deliverables under the PRS and CDA Project Planner (MIA) M&E Asst (MPEA) Field Monitors (20– MPEA/ NRC) Note: The Monitoring Team would link to DDCs in each district. The Monitoring Team would report to the Development Officer (SES) Project Planner (MIA) M&E Asst (MPEA) Field Monitors (20– MPEA/ NRC) Note: The Monitoring Team would link to DDCs in each district. The Monitoring Team would report to the Development Officer (SES) Development Officer (MPEA) M&E Asst. (MPEA) Note: The Development Officer will serve as the Secretary to the CDSC and Heads the Secretariat. (M&E Asst and the CST PO will provide support to this function) Development Officer (MPEA) M&E Asst. (MPEA) Note: The Development Officer will serve as the Secretary to the CDSC and Heads the Secretariat. (M&E Asst and the CST PO will provide support to this function) Ministry of Planning & Economic Affairs MONITORING Statistics/ Information Management REPORTING Fund Management CDF PMC will ensure efficient management and utilization of the CDF based on priorities in the CDA. The Assistant Superintendent for Development will report on CDF utilization at the CDSC meeting monthly and provide sectoral coordination for strategic and catalytic allocation of CDF resources and link with development partners to harmonize funding sources to meet priority needs. CORE STAFFING {CORE STAFFING} CORE FUNCTIONS {CORE FUNCTIONS} Asst Sup for Development (MIA) PMC Chair Treasurer Asst. Treasurer Note: The PMC would report to the Assistant Superintendent for Development Asst Sup for Development (MIA) PMC Chair Treasurer Asst. Treasurer Note: The PMC would report to the Assistant Superintendent for Development County Stats/ Info Officer (LISGIS) Cartographer/ Mapper (LISGIS) Database Clerk (LISGIS) M&E Secretariat – Chaired by MPEA w/ LRDC, LISGIS & MIA 13
REPORTING OF M&E MPEA in collaboration with other stakeholders will produce the following: – Annual National PRS Progress Reports – County-by County Reports – A mid-term evaluation of the PRS – A full evaluation of the PRS IN 2011
Main Opportunities in M&E The establishment of an effective and integrated National M&E system. None Existed – National Ownership – Strengthening the capacity of county officials and line ministry staff in reporting, and monitoring and evaluation – Establishing a coordinating framework for M&E Nationally – Strengthening inter-agency coordination
Introduction to PRS/CDA Deliverables Tracking Tool – Reporting Structure, Roles and Responsibilities
Deliverables Tracking Information Flow Public LRDC (Steering Committee) MPEA Line Ministries County & Partner Level
County/Partner Level User Submits data about each county's all deliverables (this includes the PRS and CDA). Has only one field to input data for the PRS – CDA deliverables will be created at County level and validated through chain: County-Partner-Ministry- MPEA-LRDC. When saved, data is available for partner use to finalize inputs When saved by Partner is automatically available at responsible Ministry level for validation. The County user is automatically reminded that the deliverable(s) is overdue – will remain until the update is complete
Line Ministries User Validate information from County and Partner Levels. Only deliverables where ministry is responsible. Has only one field of information to validate. Inputs deliverables data on National Level When saved data is automatically available at the MPEA level. The Ministry user is automatically reminded that the deliverable(s) is overdue – will remain until the update is complete
MPEA LEVEL Validate all new information from Ministry, Partner and County Levels Views all users who submitted data and users who Validated the data at each level. Based on completion rate for each group of deliverables - make recommendation of rating for each deliverable to LRDC Maintain overall management of data within the system – the only user with rights to change the system.
LRDC Level User Views all users who submitted data and users who Validated the data at each level – but unable to change any information. Rates deliverables based on information provided by MPEA. When rated, information is public on the internet All reports (in the system) will be automatically updated with the new information – the system is dynamic
Practical Exercise: Let’s review Security Pillar/ GRL Pillar National Deliverables in the PRS (Web-based)Deliverables Tracking Tool
Sub-national PRS/CDA Deliverables Tracking Tool – Reporting Structure, Roles and Responsibilities
Excel based tool/database for tracking of county based PRS/CDA deliverables It is based on and compatible with the web based PRS/CDA tracking tool (which ensures that all info can be uploaded into the web based system) Accompanied with manual template through which line ministries provide the updates on deliverables they are responsible for at the county level Easy access and overview of all county based deliverables and status of related indicators CDO’s and M&E assistants can easy filter the information to: Analyse the status of all deliverables across the districts; Identify gaps in reporting and implementation Provide updated info which will enable CDSC and WC’s to come up with actions/recommendations Analyse trends and changes over time
The update of the information in Excel tool Excel tracking tool contains all county based deliverables disaggregated per district Each CDO has the database specific to his/her county, but the type of information and list of deliverables is the same for all (it is only that name of the county and districts is different) Through manual reporting template ministries and agencies in the county shall provide the updates (at WC, sector meetings or individually…) This information will be updated by CDO’s and M&E assistants into the database, but can also be easy uploaded into the web based tracking tool CDO’s will share the database with MPEA/ M&E office bi-weekly
PRS id: indicates pillar and unique number for each national deliverable Deliverable ID: unique number of the output indicator National deliverable: description of PRS deliverable Start date and end date CDA: if deliverables is related to CDA - Y Output indicator: to be monitored Lead: Ministry/agency responsible Type of information in the reporting template for county based ministries and agencies
Progress report/status of the indicator: responsible ministry/agency shall provide the update through this template down to district or locality level (where applicable) Source of verification and frequency of reporting Additional info related to the specific indicator: how to report on indicator and how to disaggregate the information Comment action required: related to specific output Type of information in the reporting template for county based ministries and agencies
It contains all information as in reporting template for county line ministries Additional type of information in the database: County target District target Partner Cost Government contribution Donation This is to disaggregate national plans down to the county/district or locality level The information is not yet available in the system. Gathering of the information from ministries at national level is ongoing by using similar reporting template Progress report on status of output indicators is recorded on monthly basis Type of information in the Excel based tracking tool/database
type of fields/information in the tracking toolDescription pillarPillar (SEC, ERC,GRL, IBS) PRS ID Each deliverable as decribed in the PRS document has its identifiaction within the web based tool. This field provides the link between county based deliverable and the PRS deliverable id Each deliverable can have more than one output indicator. This field provide information about unique ID number for each output indicator and link with the web based tool National DeliverableDescription of the deliverable (as in the PRS document) Start dateStarting date for deliverable as in the PRS doc. End dateEnd date for deliverable as in the PRS doc. CDA (Y/N)Provides the information if specific deliverable forms part of Lead Lead ministery/agency responsible for the specific deliverable County Target The target/plan for the specific county. The information is not yet available District target The target/plan for the specific district. The information is not yet available CountyName of the county DistrictName of the district Exact location(s) (if aplicable) For some of deliverables/outputs - it is relevant to indicate specific locations Output Indicator Output indicator related to the specific deliverable - to be monitored at county and/or district level Sorce of Verification and frequency of the reportingSource of verification for the specific output indicator Info related to the reporting on this specific indicator Provides additional information about the indicator and how to report on it (if the information has to be disaggregated and how etc.) Status of the indicator/Progress Report Progress report for the specific months on the status/ value of specific indicator as provided by county based line ministries/agencies (through manual reporting templates) and then updated by CDO's/ M&E assistants in the tracking tool Comment/ Action Required This information also comes from the county based line ministries/agencies as a part of the monthly progress report …… Status of the indicator/Progress Report Comment/ Action Required Date of last update on this indicator and from this specific location (district) Status of the indicator/Progress Report Comment/ Action Required Dec-09 Consolidated report Information about deliverable and related output indicator This area is secured for consolidated up-to-date report.(for the first reporting it will be the same as March report, but later on will contain consolidated info) The information on progress and actions are recorded for each reporting month and allows to CDO's to compare the information and changes Mar-09