Good Morning! Today is __________________. Not all friends are people. __________ is my friend. ____________ is also my friend. The best friend I have ever had is __________.
Good Morning! Today is ____________________. Being with friends makes me feel __________. Before I found ___________, I __________. But now I _________ because we are friends.
Good Morning! Today is ____________________. I can be a friend to ___________. I can even be a friend to ___________. I am a good friend because ___________.
Good Morning! Today is ____________________. Some days make me feel good because _______________. A silly song __________ when I am blue. Spending time together with ________ makes me feel great.
Good Morning! Today is ____________________. This week we read about ________ and wrote about __________. Tabby was a friend to Mr. Putter by __________. Mr. Putter was a friend to Tabby by __________. I found out that a person can be a friend to a __________ by ____________.