1)What does the map show? 2)Why is this useful? 3) What types of countries have a youthful population?
Population Structure LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.Be able to annotate population pyramids 2.Distinguish between the population structure of an MEDC and an LEDC
Keywords: Census: Demography: Population pyramid: Sex-ratio: Age distribution: Dependent Population: Economically Active:
Demography is the study of people and populations. Governments carry out a census to find out who lives in their country. They use the information to produce population structures However, they are taken at different times in different countries and often country boundaries change so it is difficult for a census to be accurate. Some countries can not afford to do a census and people do not always fill in the forms so the population of the world can only be an estimate. Demographers use census information to create population pyramids
What do they show? Sex-ratio: the amount of males to females in a location Males are shown on the left. Females are shown on the right.
What do they show? Age distribution of a country Age categories split into 5 year stages
Dependent Population: The population under the age of 15 and over 65 What do they show? Children 0-14 years of age Elderly population 65+ years of age
Economically Active: years old who have the potential to contribute economically What do they show? Workforce
What do they show? In this country there is a high Birth Rate There is also a high Death Rate.
What should you annotate? Sex-ratio: what is the male/female ratio Birth Rate: Is the BR increasing or decreasing
What do population pyramids look like for different stages of the DTM? Stage 5? Complete sheet
Dependency Ratio The dependency ratio can be expressed as: Population( u ) X 100 Population 15-65
Which population pyramid is for Germany, Kenya (LEDC) and USA (MEDC)?