THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM (THE SKIN) __CUTANEOUS___ membrane is your skin. Its superficial ___EPIDERMIS___ is composed of __KERATINIZING_ (becoming hard and tough) stratified squamous epithelium. The underlying _DERMIS_ is mostly dense (fibrous) connective tissue.
THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM (THE SKIN) The skin is an _ORGAN_ system of its own. Integument means “_COVERING_”. The skin has many functions, most of which are _PROTECTIVE_.
THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM (THE SKIN) It _INSULATES_ and _CUSHIONS_ the deeper body organs and protects the entire body from _MECHANICAL_ damage (bumps and cuts). _CHEMICAL_ damage such as from acids and bases. _THERMAL_ damage such as extreme heat and cold.
THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM (THE SKIN) ULTRAVIOLET_ radiation from the sunlight and bacteria. _PREVENTS_ water loss from the body’s surface. _MINI_ _EXCRETORY_ system when urea, salts, and water are lost when we sweat.
THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM (THE SKIN) _MANUFACTURES_ several proteins important to immunity _SYNTHESIZES_ vitamin D. Contains _CUTANEOUS_ _SENSORY_ _RECEPTORS_ which are a part of the nervous system, contain tiny sensors for touch, pressure, temp, and pain.
THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM (THE SKIN) BACTERIAL_ damage prevented when _PHAGOCYTES_ ingest foreign substances and prevents then from reaching deeper body tissues.
STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN. Includes the _EPIDERMIS_ which is superficial. Beneath that is called the _DERMIS_. These two are firmly connected, but when they become separated by friction or a burn, then a _BLISTER_ forms.
STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN. Deep to the dermis is the _SUBCUTANEOUS_ _TISSUE_ or the _HYPODERMIS_ which is essentially _ADIPOSE_ tissue.
STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN. This tissue serves as a _SHOCK_ _ABSORBER_ and _INSULATES_ the deeper tissues from extreme _TEMPERATURES_. It is also responsible for the _CURVES_ that are more for a woman’s body than mans.