Ann Finley VGS-PCC Liaison VGS Discussion July 15-16, 2014 Salt Lake City, Utah
2 o OC – Operating Reserves for VG Developing recommendations for calculating operating reserves Expect two years to complete Current VGS Task Force
3 o Variable Energy Resource (VER) Integration Dashboard Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Board (WIRAB) developing a dashboard with renewable resource info state-by-state Completed work, work-in-process, and potential future work, posted at: Current VGS Task Force
4 o Interconnection Requirements o Sept A NERC Integrating VG Task Force produced a report link with proposed standard modifications titled:link “Interconnection Requirements for Variable Generation” o Information sent out to 5-6 interested PCC members to see if value in forming a Task Force to PCC o BPA has provided some documents of their Interconnection Requirements o Next Steps: Determine if value to PCC, if so, select a Chair, draft scope and draft a White Paper Proposed VGS Task Force
5 Intra-Hour Dataset VGS in discussion with TEPPC to find a home and task force for an intra-hour dataset. TEPPC interested in determining a methodology to use to collect dataset o Proposed VGS Task Force
6 1.VGS members discussed the committee’s future which was to be discussed at June JGC Meeting 2.Many issues originally led to the creation of VGS have been resolved. 3.Standing Committees are leading their own efforts in many areas. Future of VGS Next VGS Meeting: TBD
Questions? Matt Hunsaker Manager, Operations Western Electricity Coordinating Council Ann Finley MWD