What do these Bible characters have in common? Adam (Genesis 2) Joseph (Genesis 39) David (I Samuel 18:13) Obadiah (I Kings 18:3) Joanna (Luke 8:3) Ethiopian.


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Presentation transcript:

What do these Bible characters have in common? Adam (Genesis 2) Joseph (Genesis 39) David (I Samuel 18:13) Obadiah (I Kings 18:3) Joanna (Luke 8:3) Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:27) Paul (I Corinthians 9:7) Peter (Titus 1:7)

I Peter 4:10

What is a Steward? Oikonomos primarily denoted “the manager of a household or estate” The “treasurer” of a city It is used metaphorically, in the wider sense, of a “steward” in general… –Of preachers of the gospel and teachers of the Word of God (I Corinthians 4:1) –Of elders or bishops in churches (Titus 1:7) –Of believers generally (I Peter 4:10) Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old & NT Words

Stewardship (I Peter 4:10) The very definition of the word shows that stewardship is the managing of something that is not our own (we are not the owners). The concept of stewardship is seen in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Adam was given a garden to “tend and keep,” to manage (Gen. 2:15). John, while on the isle of Patmos, was told “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia” (Rev. 1:11).

Three Principles of Stewardship God is the creator & owner of all things. –G–Genesis 1:1; Psalm 24:1; Job 41:11 Land (Leviticus 25:23; I Peter 2:11) Cattle (Psalm 50:10-11) Money (Haggai 2:8) –G–God’s ownership of all things is the beginning point of stewardship! Job 1:21; I Timothy 6:7 Christian’s possessions (Acts 4:32) Christian’s body (I Corinthians 6:19-20)

We are the stewards of what we have and what we are. –G–God has given us our life. Acts 17:25, 28; Romans 12:1 –G–God gives us time to live. Psalm 90:10, 12; Ephesians 5:16 –G–God blesses us with talents and abilities. Romans 12:3-8 –G–God provides the ability to obtain wealth. Deut. 8:11-18; Daniel 4:30; Luke 12:16-18

We must all render an account of our stewardship (Luke 16:1-2). –G–God will judge us according to the abilities given to us (Matt. 25:14-15; Luke 12:48). –G–God will judge His stewards according to the opportunities given (Matt. 25:31-46). –M–Man will be judged as to whether or not he used his master’s goods to His glory or “hid” them (Matt. 25:24-30).

Stewardship Stewardship is a complete lifestyle of total accountability and responsibility. Good stewardship acknowledges God as the creator, giver, & owner of all things. The prime requirement of stewardship is faithfulness (I Corinthians 4:2).

“Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful” ( I Corinthians 4:1-2). “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” ( I Peter 4:10).

I Peter 4:10