Amos 5:14-15(NKJV) 14 Seek good and not evil, That you may live; So the Lord God of hosts will be with you, As you have spoken. 15 Hate evil, love good;


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Presentation transcript:

Amos 5:14-15(NKJV) 14 Seek good and not evil, That you may live; So the Lord God of hosts will be with you, As you have spoken. 15 Hate evil, love good; Establish justice in the gate. It may be that the Lord God of hosts Will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.

Knowing God’s Word Amos

Knowing God’s Word A few weeks back we studied Hosea, a prophet of God whose relationship with his wife was likened to God’s relationship with Israel This week we move on to the book of Amos The book of Amos is the 30th book of our OT; the 3rd of the minor prophets

Knowing God’s Word Amos is the author of this book (1:1) Amos comes from the Hebrew root amas, meaning “to lift a burden, to carry” The name Amos in Hebrew means “Burden” or “Burden bearer” Israel’s sins were a burden to God (2:13)

Knowing God’s Word Amos was a herdsman (sheep – 1:1) and a dresser of sycamore trees (fruit – 7:14-15) He was from Tekoa, a town about 6 miles south of Bethlehem and 12 miles southeast of Jerusalem Although he was from Judah, he mainly prophesied to Israel

Knowing God’s Word Amos prophesied during the days of Uzziah, king of Judah (aka Azariah – II Ki. 15:1-7; II Chron. 26) He also prophesied during the days of Jeroboam II, king of Israel (II Ki. 14:23-29) This takes place 2 years before the earthquake (1:1; see Zech. 14:5)

Knowing God’s Word Amos prophesies in Bethel (7:13) where Jeroboam resided Bethel was not only where the king of Israel lived, but it was set up as a center of idol worship by Jeroboam I (see I Kings 12:28-29) Amos prophesied around 755 BC, about 30 years before Israel’s fall to Assyria

Knowing God’s Word Amos’ time of prophecy was sandwiched in between several other “minor” prophets He prophesied after Obadiah, Joel and Jonah He prophesied before Hosea, Micah and Isaiah

Knowing God’s Word During the time that Amos prophesied, Israel was enjoying a time of great prosperity This prosperity was both economic as well as militarily (expanded borders) At the time, there was no real threat against them from the outside (other nations)

Knowing God’s Word Amos was not simply prophesying to Israel, but to Judah and many surrounding heathen nations as well However, Israel was entrenched in some very serious sins that would be dealt with The book ends, however, with hope from God of restoring Israel

Knowing God’s Word Key Verses in Amos: 3:1-2 3:3 4:12 5:11-12 5:14-15 6:1 8:11-12

Knowing God’s Word Outline of Amos: Judgments Against Nations (1-2) Introduction (1:1-1:2) Judgment of 6 Gentile Nations (1:3-2:3) Judgment of Judah & Israel (2:4-16) Proclamations Against Israel (3-6) Israel’s Guilt (3) Depravity of Israel (4) Israel to be punished (5:1-17)

Knowing God’s Word Outline of Amos: Proclamations Against Israel (3-6) Israel to go into captivity (5:18-27) Peril of complacency (6) Five Visions Concerning Israel (7:1-9:10) Vision of locusts (7:1-3) Vision of fire (7:4-6) Vision of plumb line &opposition of Amaziah (7:7-17)

Knowing God’s Word Outline of Amos: Five Visions Concerning Israel (7:1-9:10) Vision of fruit basket (8) Vision of Bethel’s altar (9:1-10) Promise of Restoration (9:11-15)