Sun (Solar constant, TSI) Cosmic material (H +, Dust) Celestial mechanics ( Extra-atmospheric solar irradiance Pedo-lithosphere Atmosphere Inter-planetary space Biosphere Glaciers, Snow cover Permafrost Sea ice Atmosphere: Mass, H 2 O, CO 2, O 3, N 2 O, O 2, N 2 ; Aerosol; Cloud Ocean H 2 O, NaCl, MgCl Biosphere Endogenic processes: Volcanoes, Tectonics 90°- g r Climate System
Sun (TSI, magnetic field) Cosmic material (H +, Dust) Celestial mechanics Extra-atmospheric solar irradiance Ionization Pedo-lithosphere Atmosphere Inter-planetary space Biosphere Glaciers, Snow cover Permafrost Sea ice Atmosphere: Mass, H 2 O, CO 2, O 3, N 2 O, O 2, N 2, Aerosol, Cloud Ocean H 2 O, NaCl, MgCl Biosphere Endogenic processes: Volcanoes, Tectonics 90°- g r
Main features of the present earth’s climate 1)Mean surface air temperature ≈ 15°C 2)Mean precipitation ≈ 1 m w.e. 3)Equator to Pole temperature gradient ≈ 50°C 4)Climate changes. (It has always been changing.)
Modes of Climate Change
Camp Century Ice Core
Mann et al., 1998
Mann, 2002
Solar Variability Total Solar Irradiance ± 0.6 W m -2 Ionization CCN Shortwave Radiation Photochemical Reaction Dynamics in Middle Atmosphere UV Tropospheric Circulation Biosphere C- Cycle Temperature Variability Cloud Sun and Climate
From the Earth’s surface French IPY Expedition to Tierra del Fuego (1883)2.02 ly min -1 (1409 W m -2 ) Smithsonian Institution mean for ly min -1 (1367 W m -2 ) Johnson (1954) 2.00 ly min -1 (1395 W m -2 ) Various older textbooks (e.g.: Foitzik and Hinzpeter, 1958: Table 7.1 on page 173, and Table 7.4 on page 185) list earlier values determined e.g. by Angström (1890; 2017 Wm -2 ), Langley (1884: 2051 Wm -2 ) and Pouillet (1837; 1230 Wm -2 ). From Aircraft, Rockets, Satellites, or High Altitude Balloons Drummond et al. (1967)1375 W m -2 Murcray et al. (1969)1364 W m -2 Willson (1973)1368 W m -2 Thekaekara (1976) 1353 W m -2 Kondratyev and Nikolskii (1980)1373 W m -2 Neckel and Labs (1981) W m -2 Willson et al. (1981)1368 W m -2 AB1 and WR1 during 1980 (Fröhlich, 2000) 1368 W m -2 Hickey et al. (1982) 1373 W m -2 Fröhlich (1983)1367 W m -2 Crommelynck et al. (1986) W m -2 SMM ( ) W m -2 Fröhlich and Lean (1998) W m -2 ERBS during (Fröhlich, 2006) W m -2 SORCE (Kopp)/Fröhlich (peronal communications) W m -2
Red line= Zürich ( ) and Bruxelles (1981-present) final numbers Red dots= Eddy, J.A., 1976, Science, 192, 1189 Annual mean sunspot number Relative sunspot number
Annual mean sunspot number Relative sunspot number
Red: Summer Blue: Winter Black: Year