Tonight’s Homework Memorize all Trig stuff!! Pg. 367#9 – 24 all
6.6 Applying Trig Functions Applications The terminal side of Ɵ is in QI and lies on the line y = 1.5x. Find all trig function values of Ɵ and the measures of Ɵ and Ɵ’. Determine the angle between the x – axis and the line y = -3x + 4.
6.6 Applying Trig Functions Definitions The angle between the x – axis in the positive direction and a line is called the angle of inclinations of the line. The terms angle of elevation or angle of depression are used to describe the angle between the line of sight and the horizontal.
6.6 Applying Trig Functions More Applications! The angle of elevation of the top of a building from a point 100 ft away from the building on level ground is 65°. Find the height, h, of the building. – Draw a picture – Label knowns – Determine unknown – Solve the triangle From the top of a 100-ft building, a man observes a car moving toward him. If the angle of depression of the car changes from 22° to 46° during the period of observation, how far does the car travel?