Samples copies of… › Parents’ Rights › Meeting Notices › Agendas › 504 Report › IEP Report
504 › General Education › Unfunded Mandate › Committee Decision › Disability Driven › Data Driven (formal testing not required) › American Disabilities Act (ADA) › Grade Level Curriculum › Accommodations › Review Meeting › Exited From Services › Report itself minimum 4 pages IEP › Special Education › Funded Mandate › Committee Decision › Disability Driven › Data Driven (formal testing required in areas of concern) › Parent consent required for testing and placement › Individuals with Disabilities in Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) › Modified Curriculum › Specialized Instruction › Annuals, Triennials, Special Requests › Exited From Services › Report itself minimum 15 pages
Does the student have an impairment or disability? Does it impact a major life activity? Is the disability “substantially” limiting? Because of the disability, can the student access the curriculum as well as his/her non- disabled peers? All of this information must be based on a body of evidence
Has sufficient and appropriate evaluations been completed, documented, and considered to determine the presence of a disability? Is the student performance due to lack of instruction in reading or math? (attendance) For the student whose primary language is other than English, is limited English acquisition the primary cause of the learning problems? Can the student receive reasonable educational benefit from general education alone? Does the student have a disability as defined in the State Rules for the Administration of the Exceptional Children’s Education Act?
A school team of people knowledgeable about the student, the suspected or diagnosed disability and the possible supports needed The team varies slightly depending on the student Core members at William Roberts include: Trich, Sarah, classroom teacher(s), parent(s)
A team of people knowledgeable about the student’s performance, especially in suspected areas of difficulty REQUIRED members: › Case manager (either SLP or SpEd teacher) › A second SpEd team member (for formal eval years) › Any other SpEd team members providing services › Parents › At least one classroom teacher
Qualify in one or more of 14 categories Rigorous data must be collected for qualification (see RtI binder for 1 page descriptions from the beginning of the year) Each area has very different qualifications Students who qualify receive specialized instruction in qualification area, accommodations and related services
Case managers are always Special Education Teachers and/or Speech Language Pathologists Related Service Providers are School Psychologists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and/or Physical Therapists Each service provider provides specialized services in one or more areas: directly inside the classroom, directly outside the classroom or on a consultative basis (this does not happen often)
Accommdations are adjustments made in the classroom or school to assist the student in “accessing the curriculum” as adequately as his/her non-disabled peers Designed in accordance with the impact of the disability Accommodations do not change the grade level standard, just how the student accesses and demonstrates mastery of the material
Shortened assignments Extra time on tests/assessments Read tests aloud Providing an extra set of books at home Preferential seating Planner/organizer Sensory motor breaks Allowing a student to use a computer for written assignments Providing study guides prior to introducing new material Providing a peer tutor/helper Accessing technology to produce/submit written work More frequent verbal prompts Scribe for a temporary physical disability Copy of notes
Can a student be on an IEP and a 504 plan simultaneously? How do we “honor” an IEP/504 plan from out of state? How do you “dismiss” a student from an IEP/504 plan? If a student does not qualify for Special Education, does he/she then qualify for a 504?