Learning to Write 司选海 QQ:
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph2 Class work Review Comment on the last homework Practice: Building a paragraph 1 2 3
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph3 Lecture One: The basics Topic idea, topic sentence & developing sentences Expanding the core Paragraph & essay 1 2 3
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph4 1. Narration 2. Description 3. Argument 4. Exemplification 5. Listing 6. Process 7. Classification 8. Cause & effect 9. Comparison & contrast 1. Narration 2. Description 3. Argumentation ParagraphComposition 4. Exposition Ways to build a paragraph Forms of composition
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph5 Comment on the last homework I. Strengths Conscientious work of all the students Some improvements in sentence writing Some well-written paragraphs Praise list: 软件 62 班电气 610 班
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph6 Comment on the last homework II. Problems 1. Vocabulary Part of speech Word form Spellings Diction Collocation 2. Sentence Errors fragments Comma faults Conciseness Structure Tenses Agreement The book worthed ¥ 26. To my disappointed, I had practiced for a long time. If you try your best, you are ready to success. I changed this idea after I read an article. I found that the man had the same idea with me. We all clear what was happening at the time. It was cold. It was winter. I went traveling one day. If one want to study English well, one have to practice.
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph7 If I had plenty of leisure time and money, I would realize my dreams. Practice: Building a paragraph (listing) 城市养狗会造成诸多问题。 Discuss with your desk mate for two minutes and write your discussion in three minutes. Make as much noise as you can!.
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph8 Advertisements can be of service to people. Practice: Building a paragraph ( Exemplification) 有时候看似复杂的问题解决方案特别 简单。 Discuss with your desk mate for two minutes and write your discussion in three minutes. Make as much noise as you can!
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph9 I can never forget the day when I met him/her for the first time. Practice: Building a paragraph (narration) Discuss with your desk mate for two minutes and write your discussion in three minutes. I will be rather sad if you don’t!
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph10 Xi’an Jiaotong University is as beautiful as a park. Practice: Building a paragraph (description) 我们班一位同学在课堂上突然病倒。
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph11 To burn CD (To…), follow these steps. Practice: Building a paragraph (process) Discuss with your desk mate for two minutes and write your discussion in three minutes. Make as much noise as you can!
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph12 Why is college tuition so high? Practice: Building a paragraph (cause and effect) 男女比例失调可能会造成社会问题。
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph13 Life in the university is quite different from that in the high school. Practice: Building a paragraph (contrast) 我和我的朋友 Tom/Amanda 有很多共 同点。
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph14 There are many kinds of books. Practice: Building a paragraph (classification) 电影可以分成若干类型。
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph15 Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. Practice: Building a paragraph (argument) 这人应该受到法律的惩罚与否。
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph16 软件 62 班 石岩 黄竞 郗龙哲 肖悦 朱文栋 成勋
2006.9Class work-Building a paragraph17 电气 610 班 李欢欢、李晓琳、 李锐鹏、闫晓曦、 钟应