OREGON IDAHO WYOMING COLORADO NEVADA NEW MEXICO TEXAS UTAH ARIZONA CALIFORNIA Rene Vermeeren, P.E., D.WRE Chief, Hydrology and Hydraulics Branch Los Angeles District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 14 December 2015
BUILDING STRONG ® 2 Presentation Topics LACDA Overview (data sharing, coordination, and communication) Rainfall & Runoff gaging station locations Reservoir Regulation Website Sample of Data Weather Forecasts USACE & LA County Channel Monitoring
BUILDING STRONG ® Standard Protocol for LACDPW to dispatch channel observers to provide Corps ROC with field data. Corps’ Reservoir Regulation Section and LACDPW Water Resources Division, Operations Section have maintained a close working relationship for decades. 7 October: annual pre- season meeting Constant coordination with LACDPW for water conservation operations.
BUILDING STRONG ® 4 Rainfall & Runoff Gaging Station LocationsSymbolType Radio Repeater Radio Telemetry Satellite Telemetry USGS Gaging Haines
BUILDING STRONG ® 5 USACE Reservoir Regulation Website /CivilWorks/ReservoirRegulation. aspx
BUILDING STRONG ® 8 LACFCD Total Precipitation Map
BUILDING STRONG ® 9 Weather Forecasts Available from Reservoir Regulation Website (ask Eric Batman about the County’s info)
BUILDING STRONG ® USACE & LA County Channel Monitoring The County of Los Angeles and the Corps of Engineers will be monitoring the channels and levees that each of them have the Operations and Maintenance responsibility for. River reaches that have known deficiencies or lower capacity will be closely monitored. Inspection / Observation teams will be dispatched when; forecast of significant rainfall/runoff flood event 33% of the channel capacity is exceeded notification of distress at specific site is reported The teams will be watching and evaluating the channels and levees for any signs of distress and monitoring the proximity to flood overtopping. Key is to note how much freeboard (vertical distance water surface to top of bank) is remaining in the river channel.
BUILDING STRONG ® USACE & LA County Channel Monitoring The County and Corps are in the process of developing triggers for when local authorities will be contacted to alert them of potential river flood threats. Local authorities should monitor websites, news, NWS, etc. and be aware of the storm/flood situations. The County and the Corps of Engineers do not have the manpower to have inspections teams along every mile of the major flood control facilities within Los Angeles County. The County will be the primary agency to make notifications to contact local authorities and alert them of flood threats. It is also important for local authorities to be aware of the potential flooding sources within their community and be ready to take action with or without notification from the County or Corps.