Rocky Mountain National Park By Grace Werthman December 6, 2015
History of Rocky Mountain National Park By 1900, ranchers, hunters, and miners and homesteaders moved to the Rocky Mountains to take advantage of its natural resources. Theodore Roosevelt, Gifford Pinchot, and John Muir cared deeply cared about nature and protecting it. They said, "Those who pull flowers up by the roots will be condemned by all worthy people," Rocky Mountain National Park, in Colorado, was established on January 26, Enos Mills worked hard to create the nation's tenth national park. He hoped that: "In years to come when I am asleep beneath the pines, thousands of families will find rest and hope in this park."
U.S. MAP The Rocky Mountain National Park is located in the western part of the United States.
Rocky Mountain National Park Topographical Map There many mountains, valleys, canyons, rivers, and lakes in the park.
23 years of research shows that nitrogen deposition is at elevated levels. This is 18 to 20 times greater than natural levels. If this continues aquatic species, including fish, could be affected in the next several decades. This may also affect plant communities, changing the plant composition.
Special Landforms Rocky Mountain National Park is called “The land above the trees“. Trail Ridge Road, the highest road in any national park, takes you to open sky where you'll find flowers and a harsh climate. Approximately one-third of this national park is above the limit where trees may grow in northern Colorado. Large meadow valleys and slopes support the widest range of life. Mountain lakes sustain wildlife in this chilly environment. You can get to know other fellow mammals that also enjoy traveling through these mountains.
How is Technology Used to Preserve the Rocky Mountain National Park Here are some ways our government uses technology to preserve the past and in the process, secure the future: National parks are also showing up on social media sites everywhere. These websites help to bring visitors to the park where they will spend money. This money is used to preserve the park. Skype and YouTube is used to teach students about national parks. Students can view electronic field trips to learn about that the parks’ natural beauty and history. This helps people who would otherwise miss out and hopefully creating lifelong supporters.
Rocks Found in the Rocky Mountain National Park Most of the rocks are igneous rocks like lava that shot out of volcanoes when the Earth was first forming, or metamorphic rocks like gneiss made out of that igneous rock. These rocks got pushed up into mountains because of plate tectonics, when the Pacific plate with California, Oregon, and Washington on it began pushing against the plate that had the rest of North America on it. Because of how the plates were shaped, the Rocky Mountains formed not on the very edge of the plate, but hundreds of miles further away.
Bibliography History of when the park opened. ark+is+located+with+a+star&view=detailv2&&id=9CF890BB7AB38679C D74CA4C F9&selectedIndex=6 4&ccid=v4QHOokc&simid= &thid=OIP.Mbf84073a891cdd8bda6eaeb857b4c30ao0&ajaxhist=0 Map of United States and the Rocky =topographical+map+of+rocky+mountain+national+park&id=91E62B2ED0C908B8390D8A9888DA3D4CD97F11F1&sel ectedindex=52&ccid=ZCnz%2FAwE&simid= &thid=OIP.M6429f3fc0c049914baf7f99a o0& mode=overlay&first=1 Topographical map of Rocky Mountain National Park Website for environmental issues and special land forms
parks/default.aspx?WT.z_evt=WebClick#fbid=y_vM1OReDGf parks/default.aspx?WT.z_evt=WebClick#fbid=y_vM1OReDGf Technology to Preserve the Park Rocks in the Mountains