Damages for Late Payment of Claims in England AIDA Reinsurance Working Party, Paris - 2 December 2015 Simon Cooper, Partner
Background The Insurance Act 2015 The legal fiction of Insurance The Enterprise Bill 2015
Enterprise Bill Implied term in all ‘insurance contracts’ that claims must be paid ‘within a reasonable time’ Remedy for breach will be the usual remedies for breach of contract, including damages The right to claim interest for late payment will remain These new provisions will apply to all contracts entered into after this Part of the Bill comes into force
A Reasonable Time? Includes time to investigate and assess claim Depends on all the circumstances including: ›Type of insurance ›Size and complexity of the claim ›Compliance with regulatory rules and guidelines ›Factors outside the insurer’s control
Disputing a Claim If insurer shows that there were reasonable grounds for disputing claim (either as to cover or amount): ›Failure to pay while dispute is continuing will not be unreasonable; but ›Conduct of insurer in handling claim may be a relevant factor in deciding if there has been a breach
Contracting Out No contracting out of the implied term in consumer contracts No contracting out of implied term in respect of ‘deliberate or reckless’ breaches in commercial contracts Contracting out otherwise permitted in commercial contracts subject to ‘transparency provisions’ of Insurance Act 2015
Potential Amendments Limitation issues Privilege issues
Some Potential Claims Issues Claims Control Clauses Subscription markets Layering
Reinsurance Issues Coverage in respect of damages awarded against reinsured for late payment? Principles and legislation Contractual coverage
Application to Reinsurance Claims Scope of Insurance Act 2015 The meaning of ‘Insurance Contract’ Loss and Damages
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