Low Level Programming Introduction & Recap Duncan Smeed
Administrivia Resources Syllabus Textbook Lecture Notes One-Minute Papers Practicals, Assessments & Exemptions Feedback Mechanisms Exam Stats Pre-requisites & Recap Introduction & Recap 52354_01/2
Introduction & Recap 52354_01/3 Resources – Web pages Official home page: –Primarily used for everything bar the assignment submission system (see SPIDER below) Major update and news announcements: SPIDER: –Really only used for assignment submissions –Will contain links to the ‘official’ web pages
Introduction & Recap 52354_01/4 Resources – Forum & Official Forum –Integral part of class delivery content May contain examinable material –Usual place for announcements, Q&A, etc. The official forum is the (much) preferred method of e-interaction… …However, if you must use to contact me about the class then please be aware of my… …Filters and Spam Traps, so –Please use the label [52223] as part of the subject line –Best to use your official University/Departmental account
Introduction & Recap 52354_01/5 Syllabus & Textbook Syllabus See Textbook C In a Nutshell P Prinz, T Crawford ISBN: More textbook details at:
Introduction & Recap 52354_01/6 Lecture Notes Distribution policy Available from: Slides only part of the story! –Attending the lectures is highly recommended* –Having (access to) the textbook is highly recommended *Note: It is now departmental/university policy to record attendance at lectures, practicals and tutorials.
Introduction & Recap 52354_01/7 One-Minute Papers This will be the 5 th year of using OMPs to support the teaching of my classes Handed out at the start of each lecture –If I forget then please remind me! Collected in at the end of each lecture –Please don’t forget to hand in your OMP! Returned at a subsequent practical –For review and feedback? OMP Bonus Scheme! –Worth up to an additional 10% of the coursework contribution. I.e. 10% * 20% => 2% of the overall assessment. –Each OMP is given a mark between 1 and 3 ① Neither of the questions answered ② Only one of the questions (sensibly!?) ③ Both questions answered (sensibly!?)
Introduction & Recap 52354_01/8 One-Minute Paper… Questions There are two OMP questions: Q1What was the most important point made in the lecture today? Q2What are you still most unsure of as a result of the lecture? Please answer these questions as honestly as possible –They are an invaluable, and immediate, source of feedback –Answers to Q2 will help focus later lectures/tutorials on common issues There may be a third question – typically a MCQ for eliciting feedback. For instance:
Introduction & Recap 52223_01/9 Practicals, Assessments & Exemptions Practicals –Make sure you submit a lab availability form ASAP –Practicals start Week 15 (semester 2, week 3) Assessments –Exam: 80% (or 0%) –Coursework: 20% (or 100%) Exemption Scheme –Coursework contributes 100% to the overall assessment –Details still TBD but this much is for sure: ALL assessments must be submitted and a set standard achieved Plagiarisers forfeit any chance at exemption
Introduction & Recap 52354_01/10 Assessments Exam: 80% (or 0%) –Answer 3 questions from 4 Coursework: 20% (or 100%) –5 Assessed Coursework Exercises (ACEs) –2 Class Tests Bonuses: ?% –OMP Bonus Scheme! –Bonus questions in ACEs?
Introduction & Recap 52354_01/11 Assessed Coursework Exercises (ACEs) Assessed Coursework Exercise #0 (ACE #0) [50 marks] –Set:Week beginning 25 th January 2010 – Week 13 –Due:Friday 23 rd April 2010 – Week 23 Assessed Coursework Exercise #1 (ACE #1) [50 marks] –Set:Week beginning, 8 th February 2010 – Week 15 –Due:Week beginning, 22 nd February 2010 – Week 17 Assessed Coursework Exercise #2 (ACE #2) [100 marks] –Set:Week beginning, 22 nd February 2010 – Week 17 –Due:Week beginning, 8 th March 2010 – Week 19 Assessed Coursework Exercise #3 (ACE #3) [100 marks] –Set:Week beginning, 1 st March 2010 – Week 18 –Due:Week beginning, 29 th March 2010 – Week 21 Assessed Coursework Exercise #4 (ACE #4) [100 marks] –Set:Week beginning, 22 nd March 2010 – Week 20 –Due:Week beginning, 26 th April 2010 – Week 24
Introduction & Recap 52354_01/12 Class Tests Class Test #1 (CT #1) [50 marks] –Type:In-lecture, 25 question, 20-minute, MCQ –Set:Tuesday, 9 th March 2010 – Week 19 Class Test #2 (CT #2) [50 marks] –Type:In-lecture, 25 question, 20-minute, MCQ –Set:Tuesday, 20 th April 2010 – Week 23 Note: The total mark used for the final assessment contribution is the summation of the ACE marks (400 marks). The combined mark of CT #1 plus CT #2 may be used to compensate for the poorest ACE mark if this gives a better result. The exemption scheme requires that all ACEs be attempted and submitted and an acceptable, overall, standard achieved.
Feedback Mechanisms Marked work and/or marking schemes –As appropriate Sample solutions –Online and/or covered in lectures/practicals Forum Q&As –But remember this is not a ‘distance learning’ class! One-Minute Papers –Help focus later lectures/practicals on common issues Class Tests –Correct answers given in the lecture following the class test Introduction & Recap 52354_01/13
Assessment Stats Out of curiousity I have analysed the assessment results for past cohorts. In particular, I was curious to see if the attendances at lectures and practicals were a good predictor of performance. So, here are the raw stats so you can draw your own conclusions. Key: –#L = number of lectures –#S = number of students –#E = number of students exempted from the first diet exam –#P = number of students that passed the first diet exam –#F = number of students that failed the first diet exam –#A = number of students were absent from the first diet exam Introduction & Recap 52223_01/14
Exam Stats – AY 2006/ Details Introduction & Recap 52223_01/15 #L #S #Ave #StD #E: #P: #F: #A: E: E: E:7 P:0 F: E:6 P: E:8 P:0 F: E:8 P:1 F: E:3 P:0 A: E:1 P:0 A: A: E:0 P:1 F:2 A:11
Exam Stats – AY 2007/ Details Introduction & Recap 52223_01/16 #L #S #Ave #StD #E: #P: #F: #A: E: E: E:13 P: E:6 P: E:4 P:1 F: E: E:1 P:0 F: E:1 P:1 F: A: F:1 A:12
Exam Stats – AY 2008/ Details Introduction & Recap 52223_01/17 #L #S #Ave #StD #E: #P: #F: #A: E: P:0 F: E: E: P:0 F: E: P:0 F: E: P:1 F: E: P:1 F:1 A: E:0 P:0 F:3 A: E:0 P:0 F:1 A: A:5
Exam Stats – Summaries AY2006/2007 – 83 Students: –Number of students exempted from exam: 58 –Number of students that passed exam at first attempt: 3 –Number of students that failed exam at first attempt: 6 –Number of students absent from exam: 16 AY2007/2008 – 80 Students –Number of students exempted from exam: 54 –Number of students that passed exam at first attempt: 4 –Number of students that failed exam at first attempt: 7 –Number of students absent from exam: 15 AY2008/2009 – 91 Students: –Number of students exempted from exam: 63 –Number of students that passed exam at first attempt: 2 –Number of students that failed exam at first attempt: 13 –Number of students absent from exam: 13 Introduction & Recap 52223_01/18
Introduction & Recap 52223_01/19 Pre-requisites & Recap Note pre-requisites for the class: – Programming Foundations – Computer Systems The Organisation of a Computer…