Mrs. Ball, English II
Mountain People
Mrs. Ball, English II Mountain People ( by Jo Carson) Mountain people can’t read, can’t write, don’t wear shoes, don’t have teeth, don’t use soap, and don’t talk plain. They beat their kids, beat their friends, beat their neighbors, and beat their dogs.
Mrs. Ball, English II They live on cow peas, fatback and twenty acres straight up and down. They don’t have money. They do have fleas, overalls, tobacco patches, shacks, shotguns, foodstamps, liquor stills, and at least six junk cars in the front yard. Right?
Mrs. Ball, English II Well, let me tell you: I am from here, I’m not like that and I am damned tired of being told I am.
Mrs. Ball, English II Prejudice and Stereotyping
Mrs. Ball, English II What does the word prejudice mean to you?
Mrs. Ball, English II Prejudice: Formal Definition Prejudice is an attitude of closed mindedness which allows a person to prejudge another negatively without any knowledge of that person.
Mrs. Ball, English II Prejudice is frequently based on emotion, not on reason or fact. It is the hatred one feels towards another person for no concrete reason.
Mrs. Ball, English II Gordon Allport’s Five Levels of Prejudice: 1. Name calling: the stereotyping of an entire group.
Mrs. Ball, English II Name Calling Name calling is one form of labeling or stereotyping.
Mrs. Ball, English II 2. Isolation: the separation of the group from society
Mrs. Ball, English II 3. Discrimination: legal isolation
Mrs. Ball, English II 4. Physical attack
Mrs. Ball, English II 5. Extermination
Mrs. Ball, English II STEREOTYPE
Mrs. Ball, English II Stereotype Stereotyping is a basic form of prejudice.
Mrs. Ball, English II Stereotype: Formal Definition Stereotype is a generally accepted opinion or fixed notion of a person that is believed without investigation.
Mrs. Ball, English II Stereotype: Formal Definition Stereotype generalizes a person’s character by labeling him/her, refusing to view a person as an individual, only as a type of person.
Mrs. Ball, English II