Changes in an Objects’s Motion Speed Factors That Affect Motion Extra Skip this column Charts and Tables
Question Column An object will continue doing what it’s doing until a ______________ acts on it.
Answer Column Force
Question Column Two kids are kicking a soccer ball with the same force from opposite directions. What happens to the position of the soccer ball.
Answer Column The position would not change.
Question Column A snow plow drives past my house. What has the snow plow changed (use one of your essential vocabulary terms).
Answer Column Its position.
Question Column When an object is in motion, what can stop the motion?
Answer Column A force
Question Column What are four things a force can do to an object?
Answer Column Speed up, slow down, change direction, or change shape
Question Column If you want to find out if your dog or cat is the fastest, what two things do you need to measure?
Answer Column Time and distance
Question Column Mrs. Mineard ran 150 meters in 50 seconds. What was her speed?
Answer Column meters in one second
Question Column Thinking back at our labs, what two variables can we change to make something go faster?
Answer Column Applying more force, Raise the ramp, Having less weight
Question Column In the ramp experiment, which ramp height will give the car the most speed?
Answer Column The higher the ramp, the faster the speed
Question Column Missy, Soni, and Sally are all swim on a swim team. Missy swims the 50 meters in 10 seconds, Sally swims the 100 meters in 50 second, and Soni swims the 200 in 10 seconds. Rank the order from 1 (slowest) to 3 (fastest).
Answer Column Sally 2 m/sec Missy 5 m/sec Soni 20 m/sec
Question Column What happens to the speed of an object when the force increases?
Answer Column The speed increases.
Question Column Which item would have the largest gravitational pull? A basketball, a marble, a bowling ball or they all have the same pull
Answer Column A bowling ball
Question Column When an object has more weight, what happens to the speed?
Answer Column The speed gets slower
Question Column If I push two objects with the same force and the second object weighs twice as much, what prediction can I make about the speed of the second object compared to the first?
Answer Column The speed of the heavier object will be half the speed of the lighter object
Question Column We place 5 books in the wagon and pull it with a spring scale. Then we place 10 books in the wagon and pull it with a spring scale. What is the variable that we are testing?
Answer Column The weight or number of books
Question Column If a student uses a rubber band to launch the items above, which item will go the farthest? Explain. ObjectWeight Eraser1.5 grams Paper0.5 grams Paper clip1.0 grams
Answer Column The piece of paper because it is the lightest.
Question Column Two shopping carts are rolling down the aisle. Which shopping cart would need more force to stop? Explain your choice. Shopping CartWeight One50 Kg Two75 Kg
Answer Column Shopping Cart 2 because it is heavier.
Question Column What is the speed for trial one? TrialWeightNewtonsSpeed 1500 g g1010mps
Answer Column meters in one second
Question Column Three objects are being thrown up in the air with same amount of force. Lauren states that the tennis ball will go highest. John thinks the soccer ball will go the highest. Whose thinking is correct? Prove it. ObjectWeight Basketball ball400 grams Soccer ball300 grams Tennis ball100 grams
Answer Column Lauren is correct. The lighter the object (less gravitational pull) the farther it travels when the same force is applied. The tennis ball was 100 grams which is the lightest of the three balls.
Question Column Place the snails in order of their speed from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest). SnailsDistanceTime M144 meters12 min N250 meters10 min S110 meters11 min T200 meters10 min
Answer Column – Snail S (Lowest speed) – 11mpm 2 – Snail M - 12mpm 3- Snail T – 20 mpm 4 – Snail N (Fastest speed) – 25 mpm