Supporting further and higher education e-Portfolio - Strategic and Policy perspectives Paul Bailey Programme Director e-Learning Programme
We’ve been here before… 20 years of developing the wheel… the Department for Education and Employment - pilot projects on records of achievement 1996/7 - Dearing Report into 16 – 19 and higher education 1998 DfEE - 6 university ICT recording achievement projects 2001 – JISC programmes on lifelong learning
We plan to do lots more… “Provide an integrated on-line information service for all citizens” “Support…transition and progression by developing and implementing a common approach to personal records across education…” Department for Education and Skills e-strategy (2005)
We plan to do lots more… “Encourage e-based systems describing learning achievement and PDP” “…support collaboration …on the European Diploma Supplement” HEFCE strategy for e-Learning (2005)
JISC and the HE Academy March 05 “JISC and the Higher Education Academy developed a joint implementation plan for embedding e-learning in HE”
JISC and BECTA January 05 – JISC/BECTA Partnership agreement, “…supporting the implementation of the DfES e-Strategy, bringing together sectors (schools, post-16, higher education, employers, etc.) … and working nationally…”
Learner information across institutions South West Hosts Enhancing Lifelong Learning Learner Record DB Regional Hub Schools, FE and HE Information vs Learning
Developing the ultimate model JISC project ….define a reference model for e-portfolio (and other entities) in terms of services. –Gain a better definition of what we mean and how it works –Systems approach –Flexibility of models and standards –Timescale for development and adoption
Conclusions We must build on previous experience – learn lessons of past and keep moving forward Collaboration is critical – one solution will not fit all Need a flexible model – widely informed Data transfer/access does not equate to learning
References JISC eLearning and MLE sites Practitioner and Developer Community Contact Details