Socratic Seminar #2 Grab your journals. Find a partner and sit next to them. After 5 minutes of discussion we will break. You will then have 3 minutes to conference with your partner so that you may get ideas and add more to the discussion. Your discussion will continue for 3-5 more minutes.
Preparing for Your Informational Socratic Seminar Take out your: pink planning sheet, white sheet, summary, pink question stem sheet, and a writing utensil. Write your name on the back of each pink-sheet card. Cut out your cards. You do not need to cut out the bonus cards. Turn the sheet in, if you use them. Take out your: pink planning sheet, white sheet, summary, pink question stem sheet, and a writing utensil. Write your name on the back of each pink-sheet card. Cut out your cards. You do not need to cut out the bonus cards. Turn the sheet in, if you use them.
Socratic Seminar #2 Remember, this is an INFORMATIONAL discussion of the causes and effects of students dropping out of school. Your tasks are to… –GIVE information one piece at a time. THEN… –LISTEN for someone to respond to your contribution. –LISTEN as someone gives information. –RESPOND thoughtfully in agreement, disagreement, or with an alternative viewpoint.
This Is How You Will Be Graded… Scoring Guide: A 100 – 8 Cards Shared A 95 – 7 Cards Shared A 90 – 6 Cards Shared B 85 – 5 Cards Shared B 80 – 4 Cards Shared C 75 – 3 Cards Shared D 65 – 2 Cards Shared D 60 – 1 Card Shared Scoring Guide: A 100 – 8 Cards Shared A 95 – 7 Cards Shared A 90 – 6 Cards Shared B 85 – 5 Cards Shared B 80 – 4 Cards Shared C 75 – 3 Cards Shared D 65 – 2 Cards Shared D 60 – 1 Card Shared I will be tallying who speaks and collect the cards after the seminar is over. Bonus Points: Each BONUS CARD you contribute is worth 2 more extra credit points!! Bonus Points: Each BONUS CARD you contribute is worth 2 more extra credit points!!
Socratic Seminar #2 Remember, you are in charge of the seminar. I will observe. There is ABSOLUTELY no talking unless you are contributing to the seminar. If you break this rule you will be removed from the seminar and receive a “0” for today’s presentation. RESPECT IS EXPECTED! If you break this rule you will be removed from the seminar and receive a “0” for today’s presentation and referral may be written. Listen carefully, respond thoughtfully, and stay on topic. Use the posters, your cards and summary, and the question stems to give you ideas in how to keep the conversation going.
HOW TO AGREE AND DISAGREE I agree with__________ because, ____ but I want to add another reason why I think_________is true. (Give another reason.) ___________ I disagree with__________ because I'm not sure why________said________. Can you reword your comments to help me understand? I understand your point that__________, but I want to add/disagree/give another side:___________. This is what I think you are saying; ______________. Is that correct?
INTERRUPTING Excuse me, but…(e.g., I don’t quite understand/I have a point to make). I’m sorry for interrupting, but…(e.g., I don’t understand/I missed that definition). May I interrupt for a moment?
ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION I have a question about that. Could you repeat that? In other words, are you saying that…? Could you please explain what ______ means? So, do you mean…? Would you mind repeating that definition? Could you please say more about that? Could you give me an example of that? I’m not sure I understood that word/term/concept. Could you please give another example? What is the difference between ______ and ______?
Wrap Up Journal # In the course of the seminar… 1.What was the most interesting question or point made? Explain/Summarize. 2.What was the best thing you observed? 3.What was the most troubling thing you observed? 4.What do you think should be done differently in the next seminar? Title this Journal Page. DON’T FORGET TO COUNT YOUR WORDS. In the course of the seminar… 1.What was the most interesting question or point made? Explain/Summarize. 2.What was the best thing you observed? 3.What was the most troubling thing you observed? 4.What do you think should be done differently in the next seminar? Title this Journal Page. DON’T FORGET TO COUNT YOUR WORDS.