Acts 8 Begins a new thought in the book Acts 1-7 Gospel in Jerusalem Acts 1-7 Gospel in Jerusalem Acts 8-12 Gospel in Judea and Samaria Acts 8-12 Gospel in Judea and Samaria Gospel is spreading beyond Jerusalem A transition chapter Several key characters / players Saul (vv. 1-3) Saul (vv. 1-3) Disciples (vv. 1-3) Disciples (vv. 1-3) Philip (v. 5) Philip (v. 5) Samaritans (vv. 5-12) Samaritans (vv. 5-12) Simon (vv ) Simon (vv ) Peter (v. 20) Peter (v. 20) Ethiopian Eunuch (vv ) Ethiopian Eunuch (vv ) These People Stand Out For Doing Different Things
Things Some People Do Acts 8
Things Some People Do I.Some Make Havoc of the Church
A.Saul made havoc of the church (v. 3) 1.“Havoc” – lay waste t0 ruin “This word is commonly applied to wild beasts, to lions, wolves, etc., and denotes the ‘devastations’ which they commit. Saul raged against the church like a wild beast-a strong expression, denoting the zeal and fury with which he engaged in persecution.” - Albert Barnes “The word elumaineto (NT:3075), from lumainoo, to destroy, devastate, ravage, signifies the act of ferocious animals, such as bears, wolves, and the like, in seeking and devouring their prey.” - Adam Clarke
"to dishonor, defile, devastate, ruin." - A. T. Robertson
I.Some Make Havoc of the Church A.Saul made havoc of the church (v. 3) 1.“Havoc” – lay waste t0 ruin 2.Did so by what he did to the men & women of the church 3.Sought to destroy the faith (Gal. 1:13, 23, ASV “havoc”) B.Some today make havoc of the church 1.Lack of respect of authority (2 John 9-11; 1 Pet. 4:11) 2.Lack of spirituality (Gal. 6:1) 3.Conforming to the world (Rom. 12:1-3) 4.Families not following God’s word (Eph. 5-6) 5.Softening & tolerant spirit (1 Cor. 5:1-6) 6.Complain & grumble (Phil. 2:14)
I.Some Make Havoc of the Church
Things Some People Do I.Some Make Havoc of the Church II.Some Use Every Opportunity
A.Disciples used every opportunity to teach 1.When scattered – went everywhere preaching (v. 4) 2.Peter and John – spread word on way home (v. 25) 3.Philip used occasion of a man reading to teach (vv ) 4.Philip preached in all the cities he passed (v. 40)
II.Some Use Every Opportunity A.Disciples used every opportunity to teach B.We should use every opportunity 1.To teach the lost (Mark 16:15-16) 2.To restore erring (Gal. 6:1; Jas. 5:19-20) 3.To encourage the weak (1 Thess. 5:14) 4.To warn the unfaithful (1 Thess. 5:14) 5.To teach our children (Deut. 6:7, 20-25) 6.To do good (Gal. 6:10)
II.Some Use Every Opportunity
Things Some People Do I.Some Make Havoc of the Church II.Some Use Every Opportunity III.Some Make Dramatic Changes
A.Cases of conversion – unlikely prospects 1.Samaritans (vv. 5-12) a.Samaritans – mixed race – no dealings with Jews (John 4:9) b.Polluted worship (mixed worship of one God with idol worship - 2 Kings 17:29). c.When converted – dramatic change!
III.Some Make Dramatic Changes A.Cases of conversion – unlikely prospects 1.Samaritans (vv. 5-12) 2.Simon (vv. 9-11, 13) a.Was a sorcerer (v. 9) b.Was a religious leader (v. 10) c.Been at this a long time (v. 11) d.When converted – complete turn around!
III.Some Make Dramatic Changes A.Cases of conversion – unlikely prospects 1.Samaritans (vv. 5-12) 2.Simon (vv. 9-11, 13) 3.Ethiopian Eunuch (vv ) a.Was an Ethiopian (v. 27) b.Was Queen’s treasurer - man of great authority (v. 27) c.Was religious – thought he was right (v. 28)
III.Some Make Dramatic Changes A.Cases of conversion – unlikely prospects B.You may need to make dramatic changes to be right 1.To become a Christian (Acts 26:28) 2.In your attitude (Prov. 23:7) 3.In your home life (1 Pet. 3:7) 4.In your prayer life (Mark 1:35; 1 Thess. 5:17) 5.In your study habits (Acts 17:11) 6.In how faithful you are (Rev. 2:10) 7.In your priorities (Matt. 6:33)
III.Some Make Dramatic Changes
Things Some People Do I.Some Make Havoc of the Church II.Some Use Every Opportunity III.Some Make Dramatic Changes IV.Some Try to Get Right Things the Wrong Way
A.Simon tried to get the Holy Spirit with money 1.Witnessed the power of the apostles (vv. 13, 17) 2.Wanted the same (v. 18) 3.Offered them money to get it (vv ) 4.Wrong way to get it (v. 20) 5.Wanted what was only for the apostles (v.21)
IV.Some Try to Get Right Things the Wrong Way A.Simon tried to get the Holy Spirit with money B.Often we try to get right things the wrong way 1.Live Christian life without obeying gospel 2.Knowledge with shallow study 3.Spirituality without effort 4.Influence a sinner with compromise 5.Godly children without emphasis on spiritual
IV.Some Try to Get Right Things the Wrong Way A.Simon tried to get the Holy Spirit with money B.Often we try to get right things the wrong way C.Times we want what we can’t have 1.Marriage – is unscriptural (Matt. 19:9) 2.Leading roles – are limited (1 Tim. 2:11-12) 3.Head of family – for husband (Eph. 5:25) 4.Covet – another’s mate (Prov. 5:15-18) 5.Seek revenge – belongs to God (Rom. 12:17-21)
IV.Some Try to Get Right Things the Wrong Way
Things Some People Do I.Some Make Havoc of the Church II.Some Use Every Opportunity III.Some Make Dramatic Changes IV.Some Try to Get Right Things the Wrong Way V.Some Fall Away
A.After becoming a Christian, Simon sinned and endangered his soul 1.Actions were wicked (v. 22) 2.Bound up in iniquity (v. 23) 3.Thoughts were wrong (v. 22) 4.Would perish if didn’t repent (v. 20)
V.Some Fall Away A.After becoming a Christian, Simon sinned and endangered his soul B.Some fall away today 1.Because of fleshly desires (1 John 2:12-15) 2.Because of cares & pleasures of life (Luke 8:14) 3.Because of being misled (Gal. 5:7) 4.Because friends lead them astray (Prov. 1:10-15) 5.Because not growing (Heb. 5:12)
V.Some Fall Away
Things Some People Do I.Some Make Havoc of the Church II.Some Use Every Opportunity III.Some Make Dramatic Changes IV.Some Try to Get Right Things the Wrong Way V.Some Fall Away VI.Some Are Restored
A.Simon was soon restored 1.He was made to realize his sin & lost condition (vv ) 2.He was told to repent & pray (v. 22) 3.Asked Peter to pray for him (v. 24)
VI.Some Are Restored A.Simon was soon restored B.You can be restored 1.By doing the same thing (repent and pray) 2.By confessing (Jas. 5:16) 3.So - free of the guilt of all sin (1 John 1:7) 4.Starting over – as if never sinned!
VI.Some Are Restored
Things Some People Do I.Some Make Havoc of the Church II.Some Use Every Opportunity III.Some Make Dramatic Changes IV.Some Try to Get Right Things the Wrong Way V.Some Fall Away VI.Some Are Restored VII.Some Seek Help Understanding
A.The eunuch sought help in understanding the text 1.Asked, “How can I unless someone guides me?” (v.31) 2.Raised questions about what text meant (v. 34) 3.Attitude / heart was willing to learn (v. 36)
VII.Some Seek Help Understanding A.The eunuch sought help in understanding the text B.Love for the word – means seek to understand 1.Love the word (Psa. 119:97, 127) 2.Will read it often & thoroughly (cf. Acts 8:28) 3.Will raised questions about the meaning (v. 34) 4.Seek help from any who can help (vv. 31, 35) 5.Desire to see application to self (vv ) 6.Imagine the Eunuch saying, “No…I don’t guess I really need your study today.”?
VII.Some Seek Help Understanding
Things Some People Do I.Some Make Havoc of the Church II.Some Use Every Opportunity III.Some Make Dramatic Changes IV.Some Try to Get Right Things the Wrong Way V.Some Fall Away VI.Some Are Restored VII.Some Seek Help Understanding VIII.Some Act Immediately
A.Each of the cases of conversion – acted immediately 1.Samaritans – when they believed (v. 12) 2.Simon – believed and was baptized (v. 13) 3.Eunuch – asked what hinders me? (v. 36)
VIII.Some Act Immediately A.Each of the cases of conversion – acted immediately B.There is a need to act immediately 1.Christ could return (1 Thess. 5:2; Matt. 24:36) 2.You could die (Jas. 4:13-14) 3.Your heart could become hardened (Heb. 3:7)
VIII.Some Act Immediately
Things Some People Do I.Some Make Havoc of the Church II.Some Use Every Opportunity III.Some Make Dramatic Changes IV.Some Try to Get Right Things the Wrong Way V.Some Fall Away VI.Some Are Restored VII.Some Seek Help Understanding VIII.Some Act Immediately