Teaching at University: Perspective of An American Professor and Administrator Ben Q. Li, Ph.D. Professor and Chair Dept of Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan Dearborn, MI 48128
Main mission of a University -Provided intelligent human resources for the society -Dissemination of information
Content A Professor’s Perspective An Adminstrator’s Perspective
A Professor’s Perspective Student-Professor’s Relation Student is your friend Student is your “Kid” Student is your “product” “Raw” student you “Product” student Student is your responsibility Asking students for inputs to improve
A Professor’s Perspective Professor’s Teaching Style Teach what you consider is the most important in the subject area Teach fundamentals repeatedly Bring your research/life experience into the classroom Engage students in learning Foster Innovation
A Professor’s Perspective Contributing to betterment of teaching Contributing to the modification of course outlines and curriculum Developing new (elective) courses to bring the most updated information to the classroom Developing your own class notes and share them with students
A Professor’s Perspective Enrich and re-educate yourself Actively engage in research to update yourself daily in knowledge and experience – this is the main reason for conducting research Actively participate in professional society Contribute to knowledge base through publishing your research findings Participate in teaching workshop to learn from best teachers
A Professor’s Perspective Teaching is not just in the classroom Participate in student activities Advise students in students competition Participate in department/college/university committee services Participate in evaluating your peers teaching and learn from the best Participate in helping department development directions: new hire, new lab, new equipment, new research direction, new courses, etc.
An Administrator’s Perspective Administrator (Chair, Dean, …) is a helper Improve teaching through students interview and peers evaluation and feedback to faculty Help faculty develop better teaching through annual evaluation Provide resources for faculty to develop new courses, new lab Encourage faculty to engage in research
Annual Evaluation Teaching Research Services Advertising and notification everywhere – openness and equal opportunity
Questions? and notification everywhere – openness and equal opportunity