Solar Probe Plus FIELDS RFS Peter R. Harvey
RFS FSW Requirements
Processing Baseline Cycle = 2^N (==8 def.) DCB Seconds – Burst goes as fast as possible. – Cal and Engineering are special cases Modes – [a] BasicSurvey, [b] DirectionFinding, [c] BurstMode, – [d] Calibration, and [e] Engineering (Raw waveforms). Single Channel Pair Focus – “M” Spectra accumulated as rapidly as possible (9 to 15) – Data Buffered in SRAM until processed Single Gain in an averaging period Processing
Initialization FSW Initialization of PFB 1.Select EEPROM PFB table. 2.Copy ½ waveform (16k integers) 3.Reverse waveform 4.EEPROM required : 32 KB Only a Single Array Required in Memory
Initialization FSW Initialization of Sine Table 1.Select EEPROM Sine table. 2.Build Full Sine table in RFS memory a)Copy ¼ wave b)Reverse ¼ wave 3.EEPROM required : 2 KB (1K points)
Sampling RFS SRAM 1.Sine Table 2.PFB Table 3.Space for 15 Waveform pairs
Processing FPGA Processing Step 1. Collect N waves in M tries If over range, repeat at low gain Step 2. PFB&FFT process N waves a.Control FPGA, get spectra b.Reduce Spectra to ~64 bins c. Store Reduced Spectra FSW Processing Step 1. Reject Min/Max Spectra 1 or 2 rounds Step 2. Sum 5 to 7 Reduced Spectra Step 3. Compute Auto1,2 and Cross Step 4. Compute Phase & Coherence Step 5. Computes offsets for X1,X2
Compression Float to 16-bit trade options Numeric Analyses/Performance Working with Simulated Spectra 7.5 Orders of magnitude signal ~ 1 in gain circuitry Leaves ~ 6+ orders of magnitude 24-bit raw spectra (16 million) Output Spectra = (R 2 + i 2 ) = 49 bits Double Prec. FP has 53-bit mantissa Measured 50 pt power spectra takes 4.4 ms SRAM can hold 9 x 2 waveforms
Plasma Tracking Using Spectra Data On Bepi-Columbo, used a simple “first peak” algorithm. Positive going peak. Logic (discussed in Meudon): [1] Use a 40 bin window to average for 10 spectra then look for the peak in that window; if there is no peak, go to [2]. [2] Use the last full 2048 point spectra to find a peak. [3] Telemeter 20 points centered on the peak Plasma Tracking Using Other Data Sources Useful when at Solar Distance > AU (TBD) FSW Should Predict Plasma Frequency Multiple Ways: Model of Plasma Frequency[Solar Distance] SWEAP Cup Flux SWEAP ESA Ion Flux Model of Plasma Freq [S/C Potential]. S/CPot = -(V1+V2+V3+V4)/4 Plasma Tracking
Plasma Frequency Determination 1.Difficult to use LFR spectra 2.Not a smooth curve 3.Moving average
Diagnostic Support to FPGA & FSW Verification Generate/Load Sine Waves into the RFS Waveform Memory Generate/Load Dust Points on top of RFS Waveform Memory Dump RFS Waveform Memory Dump Full 4096 Spectra Generate/Load Spectra into the DCB RFS Buffers Diagnostic Support to Flight Find Dust Impacts and Playback only those points. (If we can get a picture of the dust impacts on the sensor measurements, we would have a better change of developing a software “dust cleaning” algorithm. Diagnostics
APID 2B1 HFR Spectra
APID 2B2 LFR Spectra
APID 2B3 RFS Waveform
Issues Dust Detection On STEREO, common to get 50 dust hits per second. (Sometimes max rate of over 6000/second!) 50/second = 20 msec per hit. In 0.8 msec x 10 samples = 8 msec, we have a good chance to get clean spectra with software filtering In 8msec x 10 samples = 80 msec, probably going to get hit 4 times. Issues
Backup Issues