Facilities and Infrastructure By the Numbers School buildings 36 Support facilities 3 Square feet of building space 3,237,223 Acres maintained 704 Square feet of roof space 2,367,962 Columbia Public Schools
Age of Existing Buildings Grant, Jefferson 105 Douglass, Field 99 Ridgeway 93 Hickman, Benton 90 Lee 81 West Boulevard 66 Midway Heights, New Haven, Parkade, Rock Bridge Elem., Russell Blvd Rock Bridge High School 45 Columbia Public Schools
Delivered as Promised from 2012 and 2014 bond issues Columbia Public Schools 3 elementary schools 1 early childhood center 2 elementary school additions 1 kitchen renovation/ expansion We’ve eliminated trailers
*Projected Trailers Columbia Public Schools
Remaining Needs, Columbia Public Schools *Roofs, parking lots, HVAC, windows, etc. 1 middle school 2 elementary school additions 1 kitchen expansion/ renovation Major school improvements* Equitable athletic facilities and common spaces for elementary and middle schools Safety and security
Student Enrollment, PreK-12 Columbia Public Schools
Cost to Educate per Average Daily Attendance Columbia Public Schools
Required Services Homeless students, : 184 (PreK-12) Source: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Columbia Public Schools
IN MILLIONS Cost of Student Transportation Columbia Public Schools
Operating Fund Balances Columbia Public Schools Opening of Battle High School Opening of Battle Elementary School Opening of Beulah Ralph Elementary School Opening of early childhood center Opening of east elementary school
Operating Fund Balances Columbia Public Schools *Considers $6.5 million in one-time spending and use of either a 55-cent or 65-cent operating levy Opening of Battle High School Opening of Battle Elementary School Opening of Beulah Ralph Elementary School Opening of early childhood center Opening of east elementary school
Needs for Improvement Columbia Public Schools $4 million Middle school land $2 million Middle school design $11-13 million Elementary expansion $3 million Kitchen expansion $4-7 million Facility needs $2 million Roofs $2 million Athletic equity $2 million Technology services $35 million Total needs NO-TAX-INCREASE BOND ISSUE
Decision Points Columbia Public Schools Continue current operations High quality employees Student support Managing growth Facilities maintenance
Operating Levy Increase Levy increase Revenue it would generate 55 cents$12.1 million 65 cents$14.3 million Columbia Public Schools Continue current operations Open new buildings Provide student support and AEO Recruit and retain high quality employees The school district would be able to: 55 cents65 cents Continue current operations $6,600,000 High quality employees $5,020,000$6,980,000 Student support and AEO $480,000 $720,000
Increase to Homeowner 55-cent operating levy increase $100,000 House Annually: $ Monthly: $8.23 $150,000 House Annually: $ Monthly: $13.06 $200,000 House Annually: $ Monthly: $17.42 Columbia Public Schools
Increase to Homeowner 65-cent operating levy increase $100,000 House Annually: $ Monthly: $10.29 $150,000 House Annually: $ Monthly: $15.44 $200,000 House Annually: $ Monthly: $20.58 Columbia Public Schools
Increase to Business Owner $1,000,000 Actual Value $333,000 Assessed Value 55-cent levy: $1,815 annually 65-cent levy: $2,145 annually Columbia Public Schools