Rules Each section will have two teams competing against each other. The average of the two scores will be used to determine the overall RC Champion. Teams have a maximum of 5 players who can rotate, but… Only the player with their hand in the ice bucket can answer questions! Incorrect answers will result in the question being passed to the other team. There are a total of 15 questions and no tie-breaks.
Water Science Drinking Water The Environment Water Uses Rivers and Lakes
Around 4,000 miles long and responsible for transporting 20% of the Earth’s fresh water.
Covers an area of 22,300 square miles and resides entirely in the US.
The study of lakes and other fresh-water formations.
70% of the worlds water gets used in this industry.
The number of liters of water needed to make a 1- liter bottle of water.
2,000 gallons of water per day.
Covers 70% of the planet’s surface.
Scientists study these to detect the impact of warming climates on ice shelves.
0.14 inches per year over the last 20 years.
1 in 10 people lack access to this.
Drinking this could cost you $1,400 extra per year.
Aquafina, Dasani and tap water all have this in common.
This is the chemical formula for water.
Added to drinking water to kill bacteria and microbes.
Causes water to expand when frozen.
Answers Same order as slides are presented: 1.The Amazon 2.Lake Michigan 3.Limnology 4.Agriculture Average US citizen water footprint 7.Oceans 8.Icebergs 9.Rate of sea level rise 10.Clean drinking water 11.Bottled water 12.They are all from municipal sources 13.H2O 14.Chlorine 15.Hydrogen Bonds (Crystal structure is also acceptable)