Atlantic Meridional Transport Observed From Space Preliminry Results W. Timothy Liu and Xiaosu Xie Heat Transport Water Transport Mean and Seasonal Variation
Center of cyclonic currents Ekman water transport Ekman heat transport τ x : Zonal stress Te: Potential temp. of Ekman layer : Mean potential temp. of the water column Sato, Polito, & Liu, 2002: GRL, 29(17) Sprintall & Liu, 2005: Oceanography, 18(4)
Center of cyclonic currents Meridional Heat Transport (MHT) H: Heat content ζ: Horizontal heat flux SW: Short wave radiation LW: Long wave radiation LH: Latent heat SH: Sensible heat By Green’s theorem Conservation of heat
Center of cyclonic currents Meridional Water Transport (MWT) P: Precipitation E: Evaporation Ψ: Horizontal mass flux R: River discharge By Green’s theorem Conservation of water mass
Total MHT at Atlantic MHT from surface heat flux MHT from heat storage change (Statistic- al model)
Intensification of poleward Ekman water transport from 1998 in the tropics Pacific Ekman water transport Anomaly Total
Intensification of poleward Ekman heat transport from 1999 in the tropical Atlantic Ekman heat transport anomaly 12N-14N SSM/I QuikSCAT 5S-8S
Ekman water transport in the subtropical Atlantic is correlated with NAO
Atlantic total northward water transport Atlantic Ekman water transport Peak poleward transport in winter in the tropics
Intensification of poleward Ekman water transport from 1998 in the tropics Atlantic Ekman water transport Total Anomaly
Ekman water transport anomaly 12N-14N SSM/I QuikSCAT 5S-8S Intensification of poleward Ekman water transport from 1998 in the tropical Atlantic
Ekman water transport in the subtropical Atlantic is correlated with NAO
Summary Spacebased data provide almost continuous spatial and temporal coverages for Ekman and total meridional transport for a decade Reality checks are needed What is the relation between surface Ekman transport in the total meridional transport need physical interpolation.