Heartland of great early civilizations. Nile River Mespotamia Fertile Crescent- region from Mediterrean coast to southern Palestine- modern day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan
Generally hot Arid Thin, poor soils
Islam predomaniantly Sunni Shi’ite
Mekkah (Mecca), Saudi Arabia Medina, Saudi Arabia Jerusalem, Israel 1. Holy city for three different groups 2. Judaism-Wailing Wall, Temple Mount 3. Christianity- Church of the Holy Sepulcher 4. Islam- Dome of the Rock
Arabic in most countries Turkish in Turkey Hebrew in Israel Persian in Iran
League of Nations created territorial mandates in the Middle East. Look at vocabulary words and definitions to understand this.
Palestine is not a country. Palestine is a historical name for an area between the Mediterrean Sea and the Jordan River. Home of Palestine Arabs and Israeli Jews. Britain’s role was to prepare Palestine for independence. League’s goal was to establish a national homeland in Palestine for the Jewish people. Under the mandate Britain agreed to encourage immigration to Palestine. Immigration had been cut-off due to World War II.
Britain announced that it was giving up its mandate. Britain said it would be leaving Palestine on May 15, However…..
At 4:00 p.m. on May 14, 1948, just hours before Britain’s departure, Israel declared their independence. The leader, David Ben-Gurion read the declaration to the people.
He was a political activist in Israel. He was elected as Israel’s first Prime Minister. He remained politically active off and on until his death in 1973.
Egypt Israel Turkey Lebanon Jordan Syria Iraq Iran Kuwait Saudi Arabia And some more.
Created in Palestinian Arabs National charter created- called for the destruction of Israel. Originally controlled by Arab states. After 1967, taken over by genuine Palestinian nationalist groups. Focus: Palestinian Arabs fight to regain homeland within the borders of the old British mandate. Believed that Arabs had a right to self-determination in Palestine. Wanted to replace state of Israel. Involved with terrorist attack. 1974 Arab states recognize PLO as a single, legimate representative of Palestinians. Begins fighting on diplomatic front.
Leader of Fatah Becomes PLO leader Most visible PLO symbol.
Sect of Islam. Believe that imams are descendants of Muhammad. Believe that Muhammad’s interpretation of the Koran is infalliable Most believe that Muhammad, twelfth imam, was the last. Known as Twelver Shi’ites. They had a political influence. They rejected the first three caliphs. They follow the fourth caliph and feel closer to the prophet.
They originate from a term “sunna” for prohphet’s behavior. They follow the first four caliphs. They believe that those were Muhammad’s rightful successors. They favor an inclusion system of beliefs. Allow most of the community’s views and practices to be adopted.
They believe that you need to return to basic Islamic beliefs. They believe that groups have strayed too far away from original teachings. They are generally conservative in nature. They do have a militant element- they believe that Western ways have corroded basic Islamic values. They also denounce nonreligious governments of Muslim lands.