1 高分子合成特論專題報告~ Side-Chain-Controlled Self-Assembly of Polystyrene−Polypeptide Miktoarm Star Copolymers 授課教授︰劉貴生教授 報告人︰楊永吉 D03549008 日期︰ 2014/12/26 Susanna.


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Presentation transcript:

1 高分子合成特論專題報告~ Side-Chain-Controlled Self-Assembly of Polystyrene−Polypeptide Miktoarm Star Copolymers 授課教授︰劉貴生教授 報告人︰楊永吉 D 日期︰ 2014/12/26 Susanna Junnila, † Nikolay Houbenov, † Anastasis Karatzas, ‡ Nikos Hadjichristidis, ‡, ⊥ Akira Hirao, Hermis Iatrou, *,‡ and Olli Ikkala *,† Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2850−2856

2 Outline Introduction Experiment Result Conclusions

3 Introduction

4 Experiment PS2PBLL and PS2PBLL2 (PS, polystyrene; PBLL, poly(ε-tert-butyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine)) miktoarms were first deprotected to PS2PLLHCl and PS2PLLHCl2 miktoarms (PLLHCl, poly(L-lysine hydrochloride)) and then complexed ionically with sodium dodecyl sulfonate (DS) to give the supramolecular complexes PS2PLL(DS) and PS2(PLL(DS))2.


6 Result






12 Conclusions 1. This shown how modification of the polypeptide arms can be used to control the self-assemblies of A2B and A2B2 type miktoarm star copolymer chimeras. 2. The side chains of the polypeptide arms influence not only solubility but also conformation and, therefore, self-assembly of the systems in the solid state due to modified packing frustration. 3. In PS2PBLLand PS2PBLL2 miktoarms, the α-helical polypeptide conformation promotes lamellar self-assemblies. 4. Ionic complexation ofthe polypeptide arms with DS leads to particularly pronouncedsmall-scale ordering of the polypeptide−surfactant complexarms which dominates over the formation of block copolymer scale structures.

13 Thank you for your attention !