Reshaping Body Image How are overweight and obese people treated in our society?
Body Image PRESSURES In your notes, list words that should go on these arrows to show the sources of the pressure that shape our body image negatively. Example: Magazines
Body Image PRESSURES 1.Family 2.friends 3.Magazines 4. Ads 5. Games/ toys 7. Music 6. TV ?
In your groups… Discuss the ways in which that category has shaped our ideas about body image and our perceptions about people who fall outside what is considered “normal” or attractive. Have each group select a recorder to write down the group’s ideas and a reporter to share back to the whole class later. Each group should choose a presenter to read their findings with the class.
What are your first impressions? [ 1 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 3 ]
[ 4 ]
[ 5 ]
Discussion What were some of the first words that came to mind about these people?
Discussion What were some of the first words that came to mind about these people? Did you have any impressions about the health and happiness of each person? What were they?
Discussion What were some of the first words that came to mind about these people? Did you have any impressions about the health and happiness of each person? What were they? Did you have any impressions about the level of intelligence or success of each person? What were they?
Discussion What were some of the first words that came to mind about these people? Did you have any impressions about the health and happiness of each person? What were they? Did you have any impressions about the level of intelligence or success of each person? What were they? Did you write down any words about how attractive or unattractive each person is? What words did you use?
Discussion What were some of the first words that came to mind about these people? Did you have any impressions about the health and happiness of each person? What were they? Did you have any impressions about the level of intelligence or success of each person? What were they? Did you write down any words about how attractive or unattractive each person is? What words did you use? Did you write down any words about the body size or shape of each person? Which ones? What words did you use to describe their bodies?
Discussion What were some of the first words that came to mind about these people? Did you have any impressions about the health and happiness of each person? What were they? Did you have any impressions about the level of intelligence or success of each person? What were they? Did you write down any words about how attractive or unattractive each person is? What words did you use? Were your “first impressions” of the women different from your feelings about the men? Did you write down any words about the body size or shape of each person? Which ones? What words did you use to describe their bodies?
Discussion Do you see how our country and the era we live in can impact your expectations and opinions about body image? What can you do to prevent yourself from having unrealistic expectations about your body and to avoid letting society impact your body image?
now Lillian Russell Actress and Sex symbol, early 20th century Lillian Russell Actress and Sex symbol, early 20th century then [ 6 ] Nicole Kidman Actress and Sex symbol, 21st century Nicole Kidman Actress and Sex symbol, 21st century
now Babe Ruth Pro baseball player, early 20th century Babe Ruth Pro baseball player, early 20th century then [ 7 ] Barry Bonds Pro baseball player, 21st century Barry Bonds Pro baseball player, 21st century