Life history -sequence of developmental stages from birth to death Growth, Reproduction, Senescence, Mortality
All of this activity takes energy - must be apportioned Different investment patterns
Death recruitment Aclonal Life History Sexual reproduction
Death recruitment Clonal Life History Fission Sexual reproduction
Concept of the Individual in Corals 1. Morphological - Polyp (= ramet)
Concept of the Individual in Corals 2. Physiological - Groups of connected polyps
Concept of the Individual in Corals 3. Genetic - All polyps and colonies derived from the same zygote (Genet)
Asexual reproduction in corals - Budding Intratentacular Extratentacular
Asexual reproduction in corals - Budding Intratentacular Extratentacular Can stay in place = growth Can detach and grow elsewhere = asexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction in corals - Budding
Asexual reproduction in corals - Fragmentation
Partial colony mortality Dead areas Three colonies but one genetic individual
Costs and Benefits of Fragmentation Costs -disrupt physiological function Benefit - risk of genet mortality -spread over several colonies - possible decrease in fecundity - possible postponement of sexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction in corals - Polyp Bailout Coral Budding
Sexual Patterns 1. Gonochoristic (dioecious)2. Hermaphroditic (monecious)
Development Patterns 1. Brooders2. Spawners -free-spawning -retain embryo
Development Patterns Can these patterns be related to life history/structure/habitat? 1. Related to whether species is r- or K- selected? X 2. Related to depth? -shallow should brood, deeper should spawn X 3. Related to the size and structure of the coral? -small, branched corals should brood, larger massive corals should spawn X 4. Related to habitat stability? -corals in predictable habitats should brood ?
Strategies Revisited All life functions can be seen as competing with each other for energy 1. Growth rate and reproduction Size Growth rate
Strategies Revisited All life functions can be seen as competing with each other for energy 1. Growth rate and reproduction Time of year Growth rate or calcification rate Breeding season Pavona
Strategies Revisited All life functions can be seen as competing with each other for energy 2. Polyp size
Strategies Revisited All life functions can be seen as competing with each other for energy 3. Allocation of energy (within reproduction) 25-50% of colony biomass as planulae 50 – 180% of colony biomass as planulae Pavona
Strategies Revisited All life functions can be seen as competing with each other for energy 3. Allocation of energy (within reproduction) Across species Mean diameter (µm) Fecundity / year planulae eggs
Strategies Revisited All life functions can be seen as competing with each other for energy 4. Temporal variation in fecundity Time Size Brooders Spawners
Strategies Revisited All life functions can be seen as competing with each other for energy 4. Temporal variation in fecundity Age or size? Goniastrea Montastrea -complex interaction
Gametogenic cycles gametogenesis ovogenesis spermatogenesis spawn quiescence gametogenesis Time Correlated witha. Change in sea temperature b. Lunar/tidal cycles c. Photoperiod
Release of sperm and egg packets
Coral Spawning
Release of sperm and egg packets
Free spawning coral
Synchrony in spawning Sea temperature Tidal cycle Photoperiod
Synchrony in spawning Goniastrea - Low tide, late afternoon - Low tide, evening
Synchrony in spawning Caryophyllia -grind up male polyps -expose female polyps to extract -egg release by exposed females
Development Patterns 1. Brooders2. Spawners -effects on planula larva - immediately competent- lag time until competence - larger- smaller - have all zooxanthellae- must acquire zooxanthellae
Predation on spawned gametes
Caesio cuning Abudefduf bengalensis Acanthochromis polyacanthus
Westneat & Resing Coral Reefs 7:89
Larval Settlement -success depends on ability to identify site for settlement and metamorphosis Substrate type Salinity (>32 ppt) Illumination Water motion Sediment level Chemical signals from algae, biofilms, conspecifics Settlement & metamorphosis
Larval Settlement -success depends on ability to identify site for settlement and metamorphosis Harrington et al Ecology 85: 3428 Acropora millepora Neogoniolithon fosliei
Larval Settlement -success depends on ability to identify site for settlement and metamorphosis Harrington et al Ecology 85: 3428 Corraline algae
Planulae Sample and assess subtrate: prepare to settle Young primary polyp Asexual colony growth Broadcasters - external fertilization Zygote Planulae released from individual polyps Brooders - internal fertilization Summary