Leaders in the Making Teamwork - Lesson 19 Relational
Thought for the Day People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. Joseph F. Newton
Review The relational person: focuses on _________ instead of themselves. is willing to _______ ________ with others. makes others feel ________. shows _________ towards others. is ________________.
Review What are the six levels of friendship? Name five qualities of a good friend. What are the characteristics of the relational person? Focuses on... Is willing to spend... Makes others... Shows... Is...
Who Am I? Before you can really focus on someone else, you have to know something about yourself. Take the SELF TEST. Complete the SELF PERCEPTION sheet. Fill out the LOOKING IN THE MIRROR chart. Check your FRIENDSHIP STRENGTHS.
Chat Time Either in small groups or as a whole class, take turns telling two things that you either just learned about yourself or were reminded of about yourself by filling out the questionnaires.
On Your Feet Briefing: A little opportunity to practice considering the needs of others and thinking of others first – a basic to good relationships everywhere! You’ll be taking care of each other, too! Activity: Start out with two people who are close to the same size. They should sit on the floor facing one another. They should have their knees together and bent; hands tightly grasped with each others; and their feet bottoms touching each other’s feet bottoms. The twosome tries to pull themselves into standing position. Try it with four people. Keep building until you find a way to get the whole groups up. Success is when hands or arms are still tightly grasped, feet are touching, and all bottoms are off the ground at the same time.
Hmmm... 1.How did it go? 2.Was your focus on getting yourself up or on getting the person next to you up? 3.Did you have to keep trying? 4.Who wanted to give up? 5.What made you keep trying? 6.What would make you keep trying at a relationship? 7.How can you relate helping someone stand up to the relationships in your life? 8.How much time does it take to build a good relationship?
Journal #23 We’ve talked a lot about what YOU are like. You’ve answered questions, looked back to your childhood, and even considered the traits you offer others in friendship. In your journal, write about you. What have you discovered about yourself? What do you like about yourself? What do you do well? What do you want to do better? Are you a good friend? What can you do to be a better friend?
Famous Last Words... He drew a circle that shut me out – heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But love and I had the will to win; we drew a circle that took him in. Edwin Markham