A Study of Vision, Mission and Objectives of different organizations. By Sachin Jaiswal Swapnil Jaiswal
Definitions Vision Mission Objectives
Vision & Mission Statements Massachusetts Division of Banks Pepsi co Ohio Division of Hazardous Waste Management Atlanta Web Printers,INC Dell computers
What is Our Business? By Peter Drucker
Vision versus Mission
The Process of Developing a Mission Statement
Components of Mission Statement Customers Product or service Market Technology Concern for survival, growth and profitability
Philosophy Self-concept Concern for public image Concern for employees
Importance of Vision and Mission Statements To ensure unanimity of purpose within the org. To provide a basis, for allocating organizational resources To establish a general tone or organizational climate
To serve as a focal point for individuals To facilitate the translation of objectives To specify organizational purposes
Objectives Long term Corporate level Divisional level Functional level Short term
Financial V/s Strategic objective The balanced scorecard concept THANK YOU !