Definition: Added Info: Highest ranking and most powerful member of Congress. Runs meetings in the House The most senior member of the majority party. The gavel holder Examples: Picture: Chapter 12, Section 1 John Boehner (current) Nancy Pelosi (previous) Newt Gingrich Speaker of the House
Definition: Added Info: Legislative strategists for their party in Congress Majority Leader and Minority Leader are the two Floor Leaders Examples: Chapter 12, Section John Boehner -House Majority Leader (R. – OH.) Harry Reid – Senate Majority Leader (D – NV.) Floor Leader Nancy Pelosi -House Minority Leader ( D. CA. ) Mitch McConnell – Senate Minority Leader (R-KY.)
Definition: Added Info: The real leader of the Senate based on seniority and majority party The V.P. is President of the Senate. The Figurehead and tie- breaker Examples: Picture: Chapter 12, Section 1 Daniel Inouye D. HI. President Pro Tempore
Definition: Added Info: The Floor Leaders lead strategy sessions within their Party. All the Democrats or all the Republicans in that house They meet before sessions to count the vote Examples:Picture: Chapter 12, Section 1 America Jobs Act strategy Party Caucus
Definition: Added Info: The real work of Congress is done in permanent Standing Committees Every member of Congress belongs to several Standing Committees More Added Infor:Related Term: Chapter 12, Section 2 After a first reading all bills are referred to one of the 36 Standing Committees Ex. Senate Budget Committee Standing committee Subcommittees are formed out the Standing Committees to deal with more specific issues
Staning comittees
Definition: Added Info: One person leads each committee and controls the agenda They are always the most senior member of the majority party Examples:Picture: Chapter 12, Section 1 In 2005 all 36 Committees were chaired by Republicans In 2009 all 36 were headed by Democrats Today all House committtees headed by Reps., Senate by Dems Committee Chairman
Definition: Added Info: A special investigative Committee Temporary and for a specific purpose Examples:Picture: Chapter 12, Section 2 Watergate 9/11 Katrina Select Committee
Definition: Added Info: Made up of members from both houses who work out a compromise on the bill A Joint Committee does a similar job, but earlier in the process Examples:Picture: Chapter 12, Section 2 Usually the final step before floor consideration in both houses. Precedes sending the bill to the President Conference Committee