Holland’s Hexagon
ACIP A stands for Alternatives. When making an important decision, look at all your choices. Ask yourself, "Are there any other ways I can solve this problem? Ways that I haven't thought of?"Alternatives C stands for Consequences. Once you have narrowed down your choices to those that look best, weigh the pros and cons of each.Consequences I stands for Information. Search for new information about each option you are considering.Information P means Plans. Make detailed plans for (a) how you will carry out your decision, and (b) what you will do if one of the negative consequences that you thought of under "C" occurs.Plans
Career Portfolio (assignment) Test Results 1.Myers-Briggs (MBTI) 2.What Color Are You? 3.John Holland’s six personality types Motivated Skills
Motivated skills (in-class) A.Freely write down the things you have done in the past year you feel good about – “Good experiences” Something you: did well, enjoyed doing, felt proud of
Motivated skills (in class) B. Take this list and identify the seven you felt best about: what you did, how you did it, what happened
Motivated skills C. Afterward, write down your reactions to the experience. What did you learn about yourself? Your strengths? The skills you want to use in your career? Brainstorm! Think creatively, “out of the box.” * The bold is what must be included in your assignment due at the end of the tri