Kimpton, Thruxton and Fyfield CE Primary Welcome Meeting 11 th January 2016
School history Inclusion Creativity/Engagement Me
Unrest uncertainty low moralemixed messages unclear direction too many initiatives Looking back.....but not for long
Every child will have a love of learning, learning which they are actively engaged in and take ownership for. Every teacher will provide the best possible education to enable children to learn and develop. Every member of the school community will be valued, respected and heard. Looking Forward-Vision
OFSTED Looking Forward - Vision
Ensure maximum engagement for pupils in all lessons Lesson observations with engagement scale Exploration of task design Introduction of focus group teaching New marking policy Ensure a shared understanding of what Good teaching/learning looks like Staff meetings Opportunities to observe and try Moving Forward – Teaching and Learning
Provide a rich curriculum both in and out of the classroom Projects Music/performance Forest Schools Increase progress/attainment and standards Moving Forward – Teaching and Learning Cont...
Communication Parental involvement – projects/curriculum Community Children’s voice Behaviour Introduction of a new behaviour policy Moving Forward - Other
Sort and de-clutter A skip is on the way! Reorganisation of cupboard spaces ICT suite Community room Lets get ready
Monitoring by the LA Project books Curriculum information evenings Maths buddying Yr 6 Bits and Bobs