St. Andrew’s CE VC Primary School Hearts and Minds Working as One Welcome to our first Parent Forum February
We are a church and Rights Respecting School with strong Christian values Article 29: Your right to become the best that you can be. Matthew 7:7 Ask and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.
Parent Forum Aims: To provide a positive platform for a parent voice To communicate ideas and developments about the school to the Parent community To share ideas for improvement
Protocol: Discussions should consist of topics related to the whole school Please refrain from mentioning staff members, classes or children individually Any issues involving any staff member should be addressed to the class teacher in the first instance in line with our ‘Complaints Policy’
ASSESSMENT OF PUPIL ATTAINMENT AND PROGRESS How? Government testing offers a snapshot of pupil performance at a specific time across England. These tests are statutory. Baseline testing in entry at Reception Autumn Term Phonics Screening testing in Year One Week commencing 13 June End of Key Stage 1 testing in Reading, SPAG and Mathematics May 2016 End of Key Stage 2 testing in Reading, SPAG and Mathematics Week commencing 9 May 2016
What happens to these tests? How do these tests help the school to move forward? Tests are marked and collated and results sent to school in July. Time spent to validate results before publishing on the Ofsted Data Dashboard Challenge of the new National Curriculum first year of testing – who knows? Senior leaders and teachers analyse data on pupil performance and progress and this forms the basis of the School Development Plan alongside the main part of teacher assessment which happens in school every day
St. Andrew’s Assessment. How we do our bit. July transition data discussed with the next teacher highlighting pupil needs September HT receives targets from each class teacher for Reading, Writing and Maths Half-termly progress meetings with CT, SLT and HT to ensure pupils are on track with their progress Daily and weekly marking and feedback in pupil books Regular sharing of children’s work in staff meetings to share expectations Tracking pupil progress using School Pupil Tracker Online (SPTO) Pupil learning walls and clear learning objectives
What else? SENCO tracks progress and plans interventions for children not in line to meet targets Teachers adjust weekly planning to ensure pupils receive accurate provision Subject leaders monitor progress of their subject areas and report to HT and Governing Body Link governors monitor progress and HT works with GB on data and progress and SDP Pupil attainment and progress reported to parents at the end of each academic year Local Authority performs moderation of pupil testing and school’s performance
Any questions ? Look out for: Open day dates Newsletter links