Ken likes to read books instead of napping.
None of the wood is piled in the shed.
The cook is tasting another bit of food.
Ty hoped to get another wool scarf.
None of the girls took the dancing class.
These baked goods are among the best.
Dad used another hook on the door.
This book is among the three Steve traded
Tess will be hiking to the brook instead of up the hill.
None of the dogs raced to where I stood.
The cat is hiding in its nook instead of eating.
Look for another skating champ at the rink.
None of them was smiling as they stood still for the picture.
Maggie shook another fruit drink and is giving it to Ben.
His dancing footwork is among the best there is.
Mom liked wood instead of tile for the floor.
Jean placed another piece of bait on the fishing hook.
A wool sweater is among the clothes that mom saved.